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Calming Signals

Calming Signals

Titel: Calming Signals
Autoren: Turid Rugaas
Vom Netzwerk:
greater understanding of ways how we can develop a
positive relationship between dogs and people.
- to share ideas, information and knowledge with other members with
varied experiences.
- to attend symposia, seminars and conferences, learn about new
ideas and get more information.
    Any individual who, through social or working life, has contact with
dogs, who wishes to promote a r espectful and harmonious
relationship, and who is willing to increase his / her knowledge and
experience can join the P.D.T.E.
You can become a member by contacting the secretary who at this
point is:
    Sheila Harper 9, the
Meadows Rugeley Staffs
WS151JH England
Phone: (0044) + 1889 802685.
e-mail: [email protected]
    You will get an application form and the RD.T.E. code of prac tice.
The signing of the completed form includes your declara tion of
commitment to abide by the code of ethics and r ules of
    The RD.T.E. is already international, with members in 12 coun tries,
and we hope it will continue to grow and include trainers from whole
The annual meeting is in beginning of August. It has been hold twice
in England, once in Norway, and will be next on Iceland in 2002.
President of the P.D.T.E. is for the time being Turid Rugaas.
Vom Netzwerk:

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