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The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1

The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1

Titel: The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1
Autoren: Stephen Harrison
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    Daciana was still wearing the incredible red dress from earlier. She had changed her emerald necklace. Now she was wearing a necklace made from gold and diamonds. The two vampires didn't look at the dead woman on the floor. She was nothing to them. They walked out of the room and along a corridor. They arrived at a huge, wooden door and entered.
    The vampire twins were in a huge room, which had an enormous computer screen on the wall. This was the control room of the underground fortress. It was where Dragos was going to watch the vampires attack New York City. Dragos and Daciana were not alone. There was a representative from each of the world's most powerful vampire families.
    Dragos turned and faced the audience of vampires. They looked at him and waited for him to speak.
    "Brothers and sisters, the moment has arrived. It is time. Very soon the children of the night will rule planet earth!" he said.
    The vampires cheered and clapped their hands. When they had stopped, he spoke again.
    "We will no longer hide like rats in the sewers . The world will be ours!" he shouted loudly.
    The vampires cheered even more loudly. Their laughter sounded like hyenas . It was vicious and unpleasant . The vampires were excited, they were looking forward to drinking human blood. They were looking forward to controlling the humans. They were looking forward to killing.
    Dragos pressed a button and spoke into a microphone. He was going to speak to the human mercenaries and vampire soldiers. Each of them had a radio in their helmets . Dragos could speak to them from the control room.
    "My human soldiers remember that I will reward you for your loyalty . Soon vampires will rule the world and humans will be our slaves. If you betray us, we will kill you and torture your families. Do not fail!" Dragos said, and then ended the transmission.
    He pressed a different button. Now he was talking to the vampire soldiers.
    "Loyal vampire soldiers, your names will be remembered forever. Kill any humans who fight, especially young men. We don't want rebels . You may drink the blood of any human you find. But remember! Kill them after. We must choose carefully who we turn into a vampire. Remember, you carry the sacred blood inside you. Make me proud!" said Dragos.
    All around New York the human mercenaries and vampire soldiers cheered. They were hiding and waiting to attack. They would begin to attack at sundown.


    laughing – ‘to laugh’ the noise people make when something is funny. lachen
    what about – ‘what about’ is used when people wish to ask a question, “What about David? Is he coming?” Was ist mit...?
    turned – ‘to turn’ to move in a direction. wenden
    faced – ‘to face’ to move one’s face in a direction. jemanden ansehen
    clapped – ‘to clap’ to applaud, to make a noise by putting one’s hands together. klatschen
    no longer – not anymore, ‘I am no longer happy, I am sad.’ nicht länger, nicht mehr
    sewers – big pipes under a city where waste (water) is transported. Kanalisation
    hyenas – vicious dog-like animals from Africa. Hyäne
    vicious – aggressive, nasty, not gentle or nice. böse, bösartig
    unpleasant – not pleasant, not nice. unangenehm
    looking forward to – ‘to look forward to something’ to be excited to do it. sich freuen auf
    button – in this context, the thing one presses, e.g. the button in a lift/elevator. Knopf
    helmets – worn on the head for protection. Helm(e)
    reward – given for good behaviour. Belohnung
    loyalty – the quality of being loyal. Loyalität
    betray – ‘to betray’ if you help a friend’s enemy, you betray that friend. verraten, betrügen
    pressed – ‘to press’ to push. drücken
    rebels – people fighting against authority. Rebell(en)
    may – a modal verb expressing permission or possibility. können, dürfen


    Amy’s house, New Jersey.

    Amy's heart was beating like a drum and she had butterflies in her stomach . Travis was due to arrive any minute. They were going to see a movie and then to a restaurant. Amy looked at her reflection in the mirror. She didn't recognise the girl looking back at her. Her blond hair was silky and shone like gold. She was wearing a fashionable black dress, which fit her like a glove . Anna had helped her choose it. Amy was spraying on some perfume, when she heard her mother call.
    "Amy! Travis is here!" her mother shouted.
    "Ok mom, I'm
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