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The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1

The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1

Titel: The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1
Autoren: Stephen Harrison
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coming," Amy shouted back.
    Amy went downstairs. She went slowly because she wasn't used to wearing high-heels , she didn't want to fall! Amy descended the stairs. When Travis saw her, his eyes grew wide. He saw her purple high-heels, long legs and golden hair. She was beautiful. He couldn't believe it was the same girl from English class.
    At the same time, Amy was thinking how handsome Travis looked. His hair was styled in a cool way. He was wearing tight jeans and a nice shirt. It was tight and showed his athletic and toned body.
    After a few seconds, Travis spoke.
    "Amy... you look... incredible!" he stuttered .
    "Um... thanks Travis. You look good too," she replied.
    Christine Anderson watched the two teenagers and smiled to herself. She could remember her first date. It was when she was seventeen, just like Amy. She could remember the green dress she wore, the scarlet lipstick she chose and the hairstyle she had. Her date was called Peter and he was her neighbour . That was twenty-five years ago, but it seemed like yesterday!
    The teenagers looked at each other. Christine spoke next.
    "Have a wonderful time kids, enjoy the movie," she said.
    "Thanks mom," Any said.
    "Thanks Mrs Anderson," said Travis.
    "Oh please Travis, call me Christine. Just take good care of my daughter, bye!" said Christine Anderson.
    Amy and Travis walked down the garden path towards Travis' car. It was an expensive convertible . Amy knew that Travis' family was rich and that he could have whatever he wanted.
    They got into the car. Amy liked the leather seats. Travis put on a CD and started the car. Travis was looking at Amy. It seemed he expected her to say something.
    "What a nice car!" said Amy.
    Travis liked this.
    "Thanks, it was a present for my seventeenth birthday," he said.
    "Wow! You're really lucky," said Amy.
    "Not really, I wanted a faster one. My dad can be very stingy !" said Travis.
    Amy was shocked. How could Travis' dad be stingy? This car cost more than Amy's mother earned in a whole year! Travis carried on.
    "My dad says that when I start college , I can have a better car. I don't want to wait until I start college. I want a new car now," he said in a moody voice.
    "You are lucky Travis. Some people don't even have a car. Or a home," said Amy.
    She was starting to change her mind about Travis and this date. He seemed very spoiled.


    She had butterflies in her stomach – ‘to have butterflies in your stomach’ to feel very nervous. Schmetterlinge im Bauch haben
    was due – ‘to be due’ to be expected. fällig sein
    looking back at someone – to be looking at someone when they are looking at you. jemanden anschauen
    silky – soft and shiny, like silk. seidig
    fit her like a glove – to fit very well. wie angegossen passen
    spraying – ‘to spray’ to apply liquid in tiny drops. sprühen
    wasn't used to – ‘to be used to’ to be accustomed to, to be familiar with. gewöhnt sein
    high-heels – women’s shoes with a high heel. High Heels, hochhakige Schuhe
    styled – put into a style. gestylt
    toned – muscular. muskulös
    stuttered – ‘to stutter’ talk with involuntary repetition of sounds. stottern
    scarlet – a type of red. Scharlachrot
    lipstick – make-up for the lips. Lippenstift
    neighbour – a person who lives next door, or close by. Nachbar
    seemed – ‘to seem’ to give the impression of being something. scheinen
    take good care of – to look after, keep safe. sich gut kümmern um
    convertible – a car on which the roof can be taken down. Cabriolet
    expected – ‘to expect’ to be waiting for something you believe will happen. erwarten
    stingy – someone who doesn’t like to spend money. geizig
    Travis' – here the possessive apostrophe goes at the end of the word as ‘Travis’ ends in an ‘s’, e.g. Peter’s car, Travis’ car. Der Genitivapostroph steht hier am Ende des Wortes 'Travis', da es mit einem 's' endet.
    college – university in British English. Universität, College
    moody – a person whose moods frequently change. launisch
    to change her mind – to have a different idea from a previous idea. die Meinung ändern
    spoiled – a spoiled child has been given too much and is now unreasonable. verzogen, verwöhnt


    6.15pm, sundown.
    New York City.

    It was sundown in New York. The attack began.
    The first places they attacked were the police headquarters . The human mercenaries and vampire soldiers used
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