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The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1

The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1

Titel: The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1
Autoren: Stephen Harrison
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    "Yes Jack," said Amy.
    "Be careful with that shovel. It's dangerous," said Jack.
    The world was destroyed. Her mother was gone. Her sister was... who knew where? But, just for an instant , Amy Anderson smiled. Just for an instant. Now she had work to do.

    To be continued in ‘Book 2’… available now!

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    burned down – ‘to burn down’ when a house has burned and there is nothing left. niederbrennen
    find out – discover. herausfinden
    made a decision – decide. traf eine Entscheidung
    you guys can join me – you people can come with me. Ihr könnt euch mir anschließen.
    just for an instant – just for a moment. nur für einen Augenblick
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