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The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1

The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1

Titel: The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1
Autoren: Stephen Harrison
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guns, bombs, knives and a range of other weapons, to kill the police officers. The vampires used special machines to stop mobile phones, radio, televisions and the Internet working. They didn't want the humans to tell the rest of the world what was happening. It took a lot of technical skills , but the vampires had been planning for a long time.
    Teams of vampires, and their human helpers, attacked power stations so that the electricity could not reach the city. The whole city was in darkness. At first the people of New York thought it was a terrorist attack. But soon they saw strange things...
    They saw soldiers with guns and night vision goggles . Strangest of all, they saw deathly pale men and women who were as fast as lightening . They seemed to have super-human strength and killed people in the blink of an eye . Soon rumours began to spread . People said that these ghostly white people had fangs like lions. People said they used their fangs to rip open human throats and...drink their blood!
    Fires spread and destroyed many buildings. Soon, people began to panic and many tried to leave the city. However, the vampires caught the people who tried to leave. They took them to huge warehouses. They were prisoners.
    Not everyone panicked. Some brave men and women tried to fight back. They used whatever they could find: knives, sticks and guns. But nothing worked . The human mercenaries wore bullet-proof body armour . If the humans shot the vampires, they only slowed down for a moment. After that, they were fine and started to kill again.
    However, some people were lucky. One brave woman was in her home when a vampire smashed through the window. The woman had never seen anything so scary. The vampire was male. He had blood all over his face and his fangs shone in the semi-darkness. The woman was terrified and wanted to protect her baby son. She desperately threw a bottle of whisky at the monster. The bottle smashed and the whisky went all over him.
    The vampire just laughed. He was about to attack when a spark came through the open window. It landed on him. The vampire burst into flames. He screamed and screamed. Suddenly, he seemed to implode . In place of a dead body, there was a puddle of black liquid. It looked and smelled disgusting.
    All over New York City, other brave people tried to fight, but the enemy was just too strong. The same thing was happening in the rest of the world. Wherever it was night, the evil armies attacked.
    In his underground fortress, Dragos watched the chaos on his huge screen. He smiled and seemed mesmerised by the violence and destruction.
    The vampire soldiers and human mercenaries attacked the cities, before moving out to the suburbs and small towns. Soon it would be time to leave New York City and begin to conquer the areas nearby. Places like New Jersey...


    headquarters – the main building of an organisation. Hauptquartier
    a range of – lots of different types. Auswahl
    the rest of – the verb ‘to rest’ means to stop an activity and relax, but ‘the rest of’ means ‘the others’. Normalerweise bedeutet das Verb 'to rest' sich ausruhen doch in diesem Falle bedeutet es der Rest von
    a lot of – many. viel
    skills – things which a person does well. Fähigkeiten
    power stations – places where electricity is made. Kraftwerk
    night vision goggles – glasses which allow the wearer to see in the dark. Nachtsichtbrille
    deathly pale – extremely white, in an unpleasant way. totenblass
    lightening – electricity produced by a storm. Blitze
    in the blink of an eye – extremely quickly. in null Komma nichts
    spread –‘to spread’ to open out and extend its surface area. ausbreiten
    ghostly white - very white. geisterhaft weiß
    fangs – very sharp teeth. Fangzähne
    rip open – ‘to rip’ means to tear. aufreißen
    throat – the front part of the neck. Hals
    to panic – to lose composure and allow fear to control. Panik bekommen
    worked – ‘to work’ has two meanings, ‘to function’ e.g. a machine, and mental or physical effort to produce a result. funktionieren, schaffen
    bullet-proof body armour – clothing that bullets can’t penetrate. kugelsichere Weste
    smashed – ‘to smash’, to break into pieces. zerschlagen
    terrified – very scared. angsterfüllt
    spark – a fiery particle thrown off from a fire. Funke
    implode – to explode inwards. implodieren
    puddle – a small pool of water. Pfütze
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