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The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1

The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1

Titel: The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1
Autoren: Stephen Harrison
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jammed all the communication channels – ‘to jam’, to stop from working, to block. blockieren
lahm legen
    live broadcast – a broadcast that is happening right now. Livesendung


    Luigi's restaurant, New Jersey.

    In the restaurant, all the customers were mesmerised by the president's words.
    "Citizens of America. We are under attack. What I am about to tell you will be difficult to believe," she said.
    The president paused , she struggled to control her emotions.
    "Vampires have been living among us for centuries. They have hidden in the shadows, watching and waiting. They have been waiting to take over the world . Now the time has come. As I speak, vampires and their human soldiers, have control of many of the world's major cities. They have destroyed the police forces and armies. They have killed millions of people and they are taking prisoners. Many brave people have died trying to fight the vampires and we have learned some of their weaknesses . We have learned how to kill them..." the president stopped suddenly .
    On the TV, Amy could hear guns firing and screaming. Something was happening in the studio where the president was.
    "I don't have much time. The vampires are here. My guards are trying to stop them but they are too strong. Listen carefully, vampires can be killed by wood through the heart, fire or decapitation . They are stronger and faster than humans, but they cannot come out in daylight. Now they have the cities, they will soon be reaching small towns and suburbs. I..."
    Suddenly, a vampire appeared on screen next to the president. It was a female. She moved as fast as a cheetah. The president screamed as the vampire ripped into her throat with her long, sharp fangs. Blood sprayed onto the camera lens and the screen went bright red. There were more screams and then the screen went blank .
    The people in the restaurant were silent for a moment. Amy looked at Travis, she was too shocked to speak. She looked around. Some people were sobbing , others were staring into space. She saw Jack, he had come out of the kitchen and he was looking at her.
    Travis began to panic. He stood up and started to shout.
    "We're all going to die! We're all going to die!" he yelled.
    Amy looked at him. He wasn't arrogant anymore. He was scared and confused. She felt sorry for him.
    "Travis, calm down . It's OK, sit back down," she said soothingly .
    "OK? Are you crazy? You're so stupid, Amy! You don't know anything," he screamed in Amy's face.
    "Travis, I'm only trying to help you," Amy replied.
    "Help? I don't need your help! How can someone like you help me?" he said nastily.
    Jack had been watching and came over.
    "Hey Travis, you don't need to speak to Amy like that. She's trying to help you," he said calmly.
    "You are an idiot, just like her! You're both idiots. You..." Travis didn't finish.
    Outside came the sound of people screaming and a gun firing. Amy could hear somebody screaming in the street.
    "They're here, they're here. The vampires are here," a man's voice called.
    Amy's heart almost stopped with fear.


    mesmerised – to have one’s attention held. fasziniert, hypnotisiert
    paused – ‘to pause’ is to stop for moment. pausieren, innehalten
    to take over the world – ‘to take over’, to take control. übernehmen
    weaknesses – vulnerabilities. Schwächen
    suddenly – unexpectedly. plötzlich
    decapitation – removal of the head. Enthauptung
    went blank – everything disappeared. wurde leer
    sobbing – ‘to sob’ is to cry. schluchzen
    staring – ‘to stare’ to look at for a long moment. starren, anstarren
    calm down – relax. sich beruhigen
    soothingly – in a calming way. beruhigend, besänftigend


    A few minutes earlier.
    The underground fortress, New York.

    "No!” screamed Dragos.
    Dragos grabbed the blond vampire and threw him at the screen. The vampire hit the screen and it smashed into hundreds of sharp pieces. All the vampires in the room looked. The vampire stood up. He was not hurt and just shook the shards of glass from his clothes. He was lucky, Dragos sometimes killed vampires who brought him bad news.
    "I don't believe it! The president told the humans how to kill us. Now they know what is happening. They have seen us murder their president. Now they will be angry and fight back ," he said.
    Daciana looked at her brother. As twins, they shared a connection and she could feel his
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