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The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1

The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1

Titel: The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1
Autoren: Stephen Harrison
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beautiful girl with chocolate brown skin and curly hair. She was wearing a pink t-shirt and blue jeans. Anna was the opposite of Amy , who was blond and fair . They had been friends since they were five years old and loved one another like sisters. Amy couldn't ever imagine arguing with Anna or living without her.
    "Hey Anna!" Amy said and hugged her friend, "I'm so glad to see you," she added.
    "You're full of life Amy," said Anna, "is it because of your date with Travis tonight?"
    Amy blushed . How did Anna know everything she was thinking?
    "Come on, let's go!" said Amy, "I need your help to choose a dress".
    The smiling girls didn't notice a boy, who was watching them from across the fountain...
    His name was Jack Ranger and he had been in love with Anna for three years, since they were both fourteen. However, Amy didn't even know he existed. He knew everything about her. He knew her favourite colour was orange, like the sky at sunset. He knew that her father had left her and her mother, when Amy was only fourteen. He knew she wanted to be a doctor, after graduation . And he knew she had a date with Travis Peters that night. Jack knew he didn't stand a chance against a guy like Travis Peters. Travis was muscular and athletic. He was popular and good at sports. Jack was none of these things. He was skinny and he had acne.
    Not only that, but Jack was an orphan . He lived in an orphanage .
    Jack glanced at his watch and realised that he was going to be late for work. He had a job at an Italian restaurant called 'Luigi's'. He worked in the kitchen, where he washed dishes and did other dirty jobs. But Jack didn't mind , at least it got him out of the orphanage. He would be eighteen soon and then he could leave that place and start a new life, away from New Jersey. He wouldn't miss it. He didn't really have any friends. However, he would miss Amy, he was sure of that. He wondered if Amy would ever notice him. Would she ever say his name? Or be his friend? These were all questions that Jack asked himself, every day. It was hard to be in love, when the love was not returned.
    As he walked through the mall, Jack was lost in thought. Although, he knew it was useless, he sometimes imagined how he would treat Amy, if he were her boyfriend. He imagined how he would make her feel special and the things he would say to her.
    Jack decided that if he ever got the chance , he would show Amy just how much he loved her. What he didn't know, was that his chance would soon arrive…


    crowded – many people, busy. überfüllt, voll
    fountain – a display of water. Brunnen
    curly – not straight. lockig
    Anna was the opposite of Amy – black is the opposite of white. das Gegenteil von
    fair – in this context, light skin, blond hair. unbescholten
    arguing – ‘to argue’ disagreeing over something. streiten
    glad – pleased, happy. froh
    blushed – ‘to blush’, to go red from embarrassment. erröten
    smiling – here, ‘smiling’ is an adjective. lächelnd
    notice – ‘to notice’ to see that something exists. erkennen
    her father had left - The past perfect tense expresses action in the past before another action in the past. This is the past in the past. ihr Vater hatte … verlassen
    graduation – the act of finishing high school, in the UK this is the act of leaving university, not high school. Schulabschluss, Universitätsabschluss
    stand a chance against – ‘to stand a chance against’ means to be able to compete against someone equally. eine Chance haben
    to be good at – to do something well. gut sein in
    orphan – a person whose parents are dead. Waise
    orphanage – a home for orphans. Waisenhaus
    glanced – ‘to glance at’ to look at for a moment. flüchtig blicken
    didn't mind – to not care. egal sein
    wondered – ‘to wonder’ to ask oneself. sich wundern
    chance – opportunity, moment. Aussicht, Möglichkeit


    The underground fortress, New York.

    "It's almost time sister," Dragos said, his voice full of emotion. "I can almost taste the blood,” he added, before laughing loudly.
    The dead body of the human woman was at his feet. Her eyes were open. The poor woman was white because they had drunk all her blood.
    "Everything is ready. Our human mercenaries are awaiting final orders," said Daciana.
    "And what about our vampire soldiers?" asked Dragos.
    "They are ready too. We just have one hour until sunset," she
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