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Small Talk Englisch

Small Talk Englisch

Titel: Small Talk Englisch
Autoren: Helga Kansy
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told that this is a very dynamic neighborhood. Do you agree?
    Saying Goodbye / Verabschiedung
    So schön Einladungen und Treffen auch sein mögen und so schön es sich anfühlt, integriert zu werden, alles muss einmal zu Ende gehen. Sollte Ihre Gastgeberin öfters auf die Uhr schauen oder anfangen zu gähnen, dann wäre es vielleicht an der Zeit, auch müde zu erscheinen und sich schnell zu verabschieden: Oops, all of a sudden, I'm so tired. If I may excuse myself and go home. Auch beim Verabschieden sollten Sie sich „Small Talk“-getreu äußern.
    Guest: What a wonderful evening. You're such great hosts. Thank you so much for having me. This was one of the best meals I've had for a long time.
    Host: You're welcome anytime. I'm so glad you could make it and we finally met. We should do this more often.
    Guest: That sounds like a good idea. So the next time I would like to invite you to my home. Are you interested in sports?
    Host: Yes, I am.
    Guest: Good! I just bought a large TV screen and it sure is great for watching the basketball games. But now, I'm afraid I should head for home. As you know, I've a long way to drive. Thanks again for having me. Bye now.
    Host: Drive safely!
Useful phrases
    Guest saying goodbye / Der Gast verabschiedet sich
Thank you so much . I'm afraid I should go now.
You're wonderful hosts. Thanks for having me. I think I should get going now.
I wish I could stay longer, but I really should go home now. I've had a long day.
Thanks again for everything. I hate to leave but I promised the babysitter to be home by midnight.
    Host responses / Antworten des Gastgebers
Thanks for coming. We're so glad you could make it.
It was a pleasure having you.
We enjoyed having you. Please come again.
You are welcome any time. It is always good seeing you.
It's a pity that you must go. I thought we might want to watch the basketball game together on TV.
    Eating Out / Essen gehen
    Fast jeder kennt den berühmten englischen Film „Dinner for one“. Dieser Film ist ein klassisches Beispiel für gelungenen Small Talk beim und über das Essen: „I'm particularly fond of (ich mag besonders gerne) mulligatawny soup, James!“ Ganz so geläufig müssen Sie sich nicht präsentieren, wenn Sie selbst essen gehen, doch die künstlerischen Fähigkeiten, die notwendig sind, um gleichzeitig zu essen und angenehm zu plaudern, können Sie lernen. To eat out gehört sowohl in den USA als auch in vielen europäischen Ländern viel mehr zum Lebensstil als bei uns. Reservieren Sie deshalb unbedingt frühzeitig Ihren Tisch und informieren Sie Ihre Gäste darüber: I made a reservation at the Lucky Chinese! Sonst ist das beste Restaurant am Platz (the best restaurant in town) bis auf den letzten Platz gefüllt (filled to capacity), wenn Sieankommen. Gerade Friday night muss man häufig in den Restaurants Schlange stehen, da der Freitagabend auch die traditionelle Zeit für ein date ist.
    Liz and Sue are waiting to be seated at their favorite Italian restaurant. They are sitting in the lounge and are waiting to be called.
    Liz: This has always been a popular place to eat. But now that there has been a change of owners it's even more popular. You have no chance without reservations. Let's hope that they continue their fast service. I'm starving.
    Sue: What I heard about this place is that their menu not only serves an incredible variety of food but also includes exclusiveness. There's no other place in town that serves such authentic Italian pasta, not to mention their selection of wines.
    Liz: Yes, just look around. This place is jam-packed. I sure hope we don't have to wait too long. So tell me, what else is happening in your life?
Useful phrases
    Waiting for the food / Beim Warten auf das Essen
How have you been?
How are you doing these days?
What's new? Tell me all about it.
The menu looks really good.
They offer an incredible selection of food.
What can you recommend? Is there anything you're particularly fond of?
This is a nice place. Have you eaten here before?
    Eating / Beim Essen
How is your food? – Everything is just fine. How about yours?
Do you like your meat?
This tastes so good.
I just love the wide selection of their salad buffet. I think I'll have a second serving.
They always come up with new ideas for their side dishes. I just love it.
This was a good choice. I like it here.
This is a lovely place to eat. Everything is just tasty and delicious.
    Requests and complaints / Bitten und
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