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Small Talk Englisch

Small Talk Englisch

Titel: Small Talk Englisch
Autoren: Helga Kansy
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Die Einladung ist damit folglich ausgesprochen. Sie können nach einem Would you like to come by? gleich einen Termin für Ihren Besuch ausmachen.
    Es kann aber auch ein Anruf sein: Sue, would you like to spontaneously join us for dinner, tonight? Oder es wird Ihnen eine kleine Notiz gemailt: Please join us for a BBQ on Saturday afternoon at the old pier. Formeller ist eine schriftliche Einladung.
    Dear Sue
    Would you and your partner like to join us for dinner this coming Sunday at five o'clock? We look forward to seeing you then.
    Cindy and her family
    Nach einer derartigen Einladung sollte sich Sue bei Cindy melden, sich für die Einladung bedanken und Ihr Kommen telefonisch, schriftlich oder per E-Mail bestätigen.
    Dear Cindy, thank you so very much for the invitation. We'd love to come. See you on Sunday at five o'clock. Sue.
    Wird zu einer Party mit vielen Gästen gebeten, wird häufig ein potluck organisiert, d.h. jeder Gast bringt eine Kleinigkeit zum Essen oder Trinken mit.
    Rebecca and her partner John have invited their neighbors for a potluck dinner. Judy, their next-door neighbor, is the first to ring the doorbell.
    Judy: Hi! I hope I'm not too early.
    John: No, please come in. Welcome to our home.
    Judy: Thanks for the invitation. I brought some fruit salad.
    Maybe we should put it in the fridge.
    John: Sure, no problem. Please follow me to the kitchen.
    Judy: You have a lovely home.
    John: Thank you. Would you like to get a tour of the house?
    Rebecca: Hello Judy! Welcome. It's so good to see you here.
    Oh, you brought a fruit salad. Yummy! That sure looks good.
Useful phrases
    Invitations / Einladungen
Would you and your partner like to come over for dinner on Friday?
You are cordially invited to join us for a little get-together this coming Sunday at 5 o'clock.
Why don't you spend the weekend with us in our cabin near the lake?
My family would like to get to know you. Would you like to come over for Sunday brunch?
Would you like to hit some tennis balls right after work on Friday?
What are you doing on Friday night? Shall we go and watch a movie?
    Accepting invitations / Einladungen annehmen
Thank you so very much. I'd love to come.
Thanks a lot. That is very sweet of you.
Sounds like a great idea. What would you like me to bring along?
Thank you. I'd be delighted to meet the rest of your family.
Oh, that's so kind of you. Yes, I could come and visit you this weekend.
    Declining invitations / Einladungen ablehnen
Thank you. I'd love to come, but I already have other engagements.
Thank you so very much, but I'm afraid I can't make it.
That is awfully kind of you, but I'm out of town as of Thursday.
Oh no! That sounds like a wonderful idea, but I'm going to visit my in-laws this coming weekend.
    Reactions on declining invitations / Reaktionen auf eine Ablehnung
We would love to have you over. Maybe some other time.
That's too bad. Let's shoot for the following weekend?
Let's try it another time. Just let me know what fits your schedule.
Never mind. We'll work it out at a later time.
    Arriving at the home / Ankunft im Haus der Gastgeber
Here we are! Thanks for the invitation.
We made it. You sure gave good instructions for getting to your place.
This is a lovely home.
What a beautiful home you have!
Oh, isn't that beautiful! I like the way you remodelled the porch (AmE). How did you do that?
    Host welcoming guests / Begrüßung durch den Gastgeber
Welcome. Feel at home.
Good evening. Make yourself comfortable.
It's so good to see you. Welcome to our home.
Please come on in. It's so great to have you here.
    Complimenting food / Komplimente fürs Essen
This food tastes wonderful.
This is absolutely delicious. The meat is so tender. What butcher do you go to?
I didn't know that you're such a good cook.
I love the mixture of vegetables and spices in your soup. Is this a secret recipe or may I have it?
May I have some more of the fruit dessert? It's irresistible.
Thank you for the tasty meal.
    Comments on the home and garden / Kommentare zu Haus und Garten
You have such a marvellous home.
I adore the way you decorated your living room.
I'll take a good look at your splendid garden.
How long have you been living in this beautiful old apartment (AmE)?
Please tell me, what do I need to do to have such a well-tended garden?
Did you build everything on your own? It looks very nice.
You live in a historic neighborhood. Do many people renovate and restore their homes?
I was
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