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Titel: Andromeda
Autoren: Michael Crichton
Vom Netzwerk:
Welt in der wir leben werden – Die Forschung unserer Zeit. Band H: Vom Molekül zum Menschen (Knaurs Große Kulturen in Farben). Droemer Knaur, München 1969
    II. Dokumente, Bücher und Aufsätze nichtvertraulicher und nichtgeheimer Art, die den Hintergrund für dieses Buch abgegeben haben:
    Erster Tag
    1. Merrick, J. J.: Frequencies of Biologie Contact According to Speciation Probabilities. Proceedings of the Gold Springs Harbor Symposia 10:443-57
    2. Toller, G. G.: Essence and Evolution. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1953
    3. Stone, J. et al.: Multiplicative Counts in Solid Plating. J. Biol. Res. 17:323-7
    4. Stone, J. et al.: Liquid-Pure Suspension and Monolayer Media: A Review. Proc. Soc. Biol. Phys. 9:101-14
    5. Stone, J. et al.: Linear Viral Transformation Mechanisms. Science 107:2201-4
    6. Stone, J.: Sterilization of Spacecraft. Science 112:1198-2001
    7. Morley, A. et al.: Preliminary Criteria for a Lunar Receiving Laboratory. NASA Field Reports, Nr. 7703A, 123pp.
    8. Worthington, A. et al.: The Axenic Environment and Life Support Systems Delivery. Jet Prop. Lab. Tech. Mem. 9:404-11
    9. Ziegler, V. A. et al.: Near Space Life: A Predictive Model for Retrieval Densities. Astronaut. Aeronaut. Rev. 19:449-507
    10. Aussage von Jeremy Stone vor den Senatsunterausschüssen für die Streitkräfte und für Raumfahrt und Verteidigungsbereitschaft (Anhang)
    11. Manchek, A.: Audiometric Screening by Digital Computer. Ann. Tech. 7:1033-9
    12. Wilson, L. O. et al.: Unicentric Directional Routing. J. Space Comm. 43:34-41
    13. Project Procedures Manual: Scoop. U.S. Gov’t Printing Office, publication Nr. PJS-4431
    14. Comroe, L.: Critical Resonant Frequencies in Higher Vertebrate Animals. Rev. Biol. Chem. 109:43-59
    15. Pockran, A.: Culture, Crisis and Change. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1964
    16. Manchek, A.: Module Design for High-Impact Landing Ratios. NASA Field Reports Nr. 3-3476
    17. Lexwell, J. F. et al.: Survey Techniques by Multiple Spectrology. USAF Technical Pubs. Nr. 55A-789
    18. Jaggers, N. A. et al.: The Direct Interpretation of Infrared Intelligence Data. Tech. Rev. Soc. 88:111-19
    19. Vanderlink, R. E.: Binominate Analysis of Personality Characteristics: A Predictive Model. Pubs. NIMH 3:199
    20. Vanderlink, R. E.: Multicentric Problems in Personnel Prediction. Proc. Symp. NIMH 13:404-512
    21. Sanderson, L. L.: Continuous Screen Efficiency in Personnel Review. Pubs. NIMH 5:98
    Zweiter Tag
    1. Metterlinck, J.: Capacities of a Closed Cable-Link Communications System with Limited Entry Points. J. Space Comm. 14: 777-801
    2. Leavitt, P.: Metabolie Changes in Ascaris with Environmental Stress. J. Microbiol. Parasitol. 97:501-44
    3. Herrick, L. A.: Induction of Petit-Mal Epilepsy with Flashing Lights. Ann. Neurol. 8:402-19
    4. Burton, G. et al.: Endotoxic properties of Staphylococcus aureus. NEJM 14:11-39
    5. Kenniston, N. N. et al.: Geographie by Computer: A Critical Review. J. Geog. Geol. 98:1-34
    6. Blakley, A. K.: Computerbase Output Mapping as a Predictive Technique. Ann. Comp. Tech. 18:8-40
    7. Vorhees, H. G.: The Time Course of Enzymatic Blocking Agents. J. Phys. Chem. 66:303-18
    8. Garrod, D. 0.: Effects of Chlorazine on Aviary Metabolism: A Rate-Dependent Decoupler. Rev. Biol. Sei. 9:13-39
    9. Bagdell, R. L.: Prevailing Winds in the Southwest United States. Gov. Weather Rev. 81:291-9
    10. Jaegers, A. A.: Suicide and Its Consequences. Ann Arbor: Michigan Univ. Press, 1967
    11. Revell, T. W.: Optical Scanning in Machine-Score Programs. Comp. Tech. 12:34-51
    12. Kendrew, P. W.: Voice Analysis by Phonemic Inversion. Ann. Biol. Comp. Tech. 19:35-61
    13. Ulrich, V. et al.: The Success of Battery Vaccinations in Previously Immunized Healthy Subjects. Medicine 180:901-6
    14. Rodney, K. G.: Electronic Body Analyzers with Multifocal Input. NASA Field Reports Nr. 2-223-1150
    15. Stone, J. et al.: Gradient Decontamination Procedures to Life Tolerances. Bull. Soc. Biol. Microbiol. 16:84-90
    16. Howard, E. A.: Realtime Functions in Autoclock Transcription. NASA Field Reports Nr. 4-564-0002
    17. Edmundsen, T. E.: Lang Wave Asepsis Gradients. Proc. Biol. Soc. 13:343-51
    Dritter Tag
    1. Karp, J.: Sporulation and Calcium Dipicolonate Concentrations in Cell Walls. Microbiol. 55:180
    2. Weekly Reports of the United States Air Force Satellite Tracking Stations. NASA Res. Pubs,------
    3. Wilson, G. E.: Glovebox Asepsis and Axenic Environments. J. Biol. Res. 34:88-96
    4. Yancey, K. L.
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