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Wie der Earl das Sandwich entdeckte (German Edition)

Wie der Earl das Sandwich entdeckte (German Edition)

Titel: Wie der Earl das Sandwich entdeckte (German Edition)
Autoren: Petra Foede
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Oxford University Press 2002
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    Andrew F. Smith: The Oxford Companion to American food and drink , New York 2007
    Ann Treistman: Who put the Devil in Deviled Eggs? The fascinating stories behind America’s Favorite Foods , New York 2011
    Frank X. Tolbert: A Bowl of Red – The classic natural History of Chili con carne with other delectable Dishes of the Southwest , Dallas 1972
    Anne Volokh: The Art of Russian Cuisine , New York 1983
    Anna Maria Volpi: The timeless Art of Italian Cuisine , Selbstverlag 2003
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    Anne Willan: »Mystery of Salade Niçoise«, in: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel vom 13. August 2006
    Bee Wilson: Sandwich – a global History , London 2010
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