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Family Man

Family Man

Titel: Family Man
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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genuine. It was one of the reasons Katy had always found herself able to be sympathetic to the members of the coven.
    “Calm yourself, Justine. It all happened a long time ago.”
    “I betrayed your grandfather that day,” Justine said brokenly. “Not once, but twice. Not only was the wedding called off, but I was forced to call off the merger. In the end I gave him nothing. After all he had done for me I gave him nothing. And I loved him . How could I have betrayed him?”
    “It's all right,” Katy soothed. “Let the past go.”
    “How can I let it go? Thanks to my grandson, I am going to be forced to relive every minute of that awful day.”

    Eden and her mother took charge of the wedding preparations right from the start. After a few useless attempts to regain control of the situation, Katy surrendered. She soon found herself swept up into a frenzy of activity that included everything from addressing invitations to choosing a menu for the reception.
    Liz gave her a book to read on the subject of the intricacies of the male brain.
    “Every woman should read it before she gets married,” Liz said.
    “I need a book on the intricacies of the Gilchrist male brain, not just any old male brain,” Katy complained.
    “You already understand Gilchrists better than anyone else on the face of the earth,” Liz assured her.
    A few days after she had tried to comfort Justine in the conservatory Katy walked into her office and found Eden and Maureen hovering over Liz. Both Gilchrists were issuing orders in typical rapid-fire style. Liz, looking distinctly harried, was dutifully taking notes.
    “We'll hold the wedding in Seattle, of course. That way it will be convenient for members of Gilchrist management and staff to attend. And Justine has a host of business acquaintances in the city that must be invited,” Maureen said.
    Eden nodded. “Yes, definitely Seattle. It also makes sense to hold the reception there. We'll use one of the restaurants.”
    “The Pacific Rim has banquet facilities,” Maureen reminded her. “Make a note, Liz, to talk to the manager and chef there.”
    “Yes, Mrs. Gilchrist.” Liz shot a beseeching glance at Katy.
    “Good morning everyone,” Katy said brightly, trying to break into the barrage of instructions.
    Eden glanced over her shoulder, brows drawing together in concentration. “Oh, there you are, Katy. We're going to shop for a gown today. I've told Liz you'll be out of the office every day this week until we find the right one.”
    “I was just about to suggest they put you in black rather than the traditional white,” Liz murmured. “So appropriate to a Gilchrist wedding, don't you think?”
    In standard Gilchrist style, Maureen took the remark seriously. She eyed Katy critically. “No, I don't think black would suit Katy.”
    “Mother's right,” Eden said. “I have nothing against the idea of going against tradition, of course, but black just isn't Katy's color.”
    Luke materialized in the doorway. “Whoever tries to put Katy in black will answer to me.”
    Liz sighed. “It was just a thought.”
    Katy grinned. “Don't worry. The groom will be wearing black.”

    Two days before the wedding Matt wandered into the living room, where Katy was poring over a new cookbook. She was examining an interesting recipe for a pasta salad featuring a pesto flavored with sun-dried tomatoes.
    “You're sure you want to go through with this?” he asked quietly.
    Katy did not look up from the list of ingredients she was studying. “I think it will work out very nicely for the Pesto Presto lineup. The sun-dried tomato flavor will add variety to the menu.”
    “Earth to Katy. I am not talking about a new recipe for Pesto Presto. I'm talking about your wedding. You really love the guy?”
    Katy looked up and saw the concern in Matt's eyes. “Yes, Matt. I really love him.”
    Matt hesitated. “You don't think there's any chance Justine's right, do you? He wouldn't stand you up, would he?”
    Matt looked relieved. “I don't think he would either. He's okay, you know?”
    “I know.”
    “I like him. Even if he is a Gilchrist.”
    Katy smiled. “I'm glad.”
    “He said he'll take care of you. It's kind of a relief to know that he'll be around here after I leave for college. I was worrying about you being all alone. I knew you'd be busy with Pesto Presto and everything, but still…”
    Katy put down the cookbook and got to her feet. She wrapped her arms around Matt
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