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Family Man

Family Man

Titel: Family Man
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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hundred thousand dollars. Why on earth would you do a thing like that?”
    “Let's just say I was cleaning up after an old Gilchrist road kill.”
    Comprehension dawned in Justine's eyes. “You did this because of what happened fifteen years ago when I bought that property? Because we kicked Atwood's father out of the old building?”
    “You've got it, Justine. From now on we don't do business that way. The Gilchrist guardian angel does not approve.” Luke saw the love and laughter in Katy's eyes. He was the most fortunate of men, he thought. Life and the future had never looked more promising than they did at this moment.
    “I don't believe this,” Justine fumed. “It's insane. What an idiotic way to do business. You'll run Gilchrist, Inc. into bankruptcy with that approach.”
    “Not likely.” Luke grinned at her. “I've got your talent for business, remember? Making money is the easy part. The last thing Gilchrist, Inc. is going to do is go broke. Don't worry, Justine. The next generation of Gilchrists won't have to learn how to cook either.”
    Justine eyed him closely. “You'll be staying on at the helm, then,” she said with satisfaction.
    “Looks like it.” Luke smiled at her.
    Justine seemed startled by his smile. Then she, too, smiled. Tears glittered in her eyes for an instant, and then she started to laugh. The sound was so rare that everyone in the room turned around to look.
    Katy looked up at Luke, her face radiant with love. “Welcome to the family, Luke.”
    Luke grinned. “Welcome to the family, angel.”
    He swung her into the first waltz and the brilliant, love-filled future that awaited them.
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