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Family Man

Family Man

Titel: Family Man
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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his courage. “You're not marrying me because you feel sorry for me or anything like that, are you?”
    Her laughter was soft and sweet, and it touched his soul. “Good grief, no. I don't know where you got the idea that I'm some sort of guardian angel, but I can assure you I would never marry anyone just to keep my halo and wings.”
    He rested his forehead against hers. “I love you, you know.”
    “I know. And I love you,” she whispered. “Even though you are difficult, temperamental, and stubborn.”
    He smiled. “You love me even though I'm all those things?”
    “Uh-huh. You see, I knew almost from the beginning that you were educable.”
    The sound of a car coming down the road put an end to any thoughts Luke might have had about seducing Katy again. Zeke wagged his tail, recognizing the familiar vehicle. Car lights flashed as Matt turned into the drive and parked in front of the cottage. A few seconds later the car door opened and closed.
    Matt, dressed in jeans and a denim jacket, ambled toward the porch. “Hey, what are you two doing out here?” His eyes went from his sister's flushed face to Luke's steady gaze as he bent down to pat Zeke.
    “I've just asked your sister to marry me,” Luke said quietly. He realized he was suddenly coiled and ready for battle. Matt had been so certain Katy would turn him down. Luke was not sure how the boy would react when he found out she had accepted.
    “Yeah? Well, great. That's great.” Matt looked at Katy. “So what did you say?”
    Katy smiled serenely. “I said yes.”
    Matt stared at her, obviously surprised. “You did?”
    “But Katy, he's a Gilchrist,” Matt said softly, his gaze flicking uneasily to Luke.
    “Yes, I know. But he can cook.”
    Matt stared. Then he grinned. And then he was laughing. Katy joined him. She laughed so hard she had to wipe her eyes with the back of her hand.
    Luke watched them both, aware that he was starting to grin, too. And suddenly he was laughing with them. The night was filled with the sound of their laughter. The world and his future seemed very bright and fresh and untarnished.
    He had seized the happiness Katy was offering, Luke thought. He would never let go.


    J ustine was waiting for Katy at the edge of the pool. Katy finished her lap and looked up, startled to see her standing there. Justine stood gazing down with bleak resignation in her green eyes.
    “He is going to have his final vengeance after all,” Justine said. Her voice rang with the hollow gloom of the prediction. “I know he is. He's just like his father. He will finish destroying my company, and then he'll leave you at the altar the same way his father left your mother.”
    “I don't think so, Justine.”
    Justine looked down at her. “Poor child. You have your grandfather's unrealistic approach to life. So optimistic. So naïve.”
    “I'm not a child,” Katy said gently.
    “I tried to save you,” Justine whispered. “God knows I tried. It's fate. You are doomed to be the instrument of my final humiliation. I only wish you didn't have to suffer along with me.”
    “You aren't going to be humiliated at the church, Justine.”
    Justine paid no attention. “I suppose I have no right to chastise you for your naïveté. Lord knows I was filled with foolish hope myself when you finally persuaded Luke to take over the company. I, too, had my silly dreams.”
    “Your dreams weren't silly,” Katy said. “Have some faith in them.”
    “I wish I could,” Justine said, “but I dare not. I fear that Luke is only using you to punish me.”
    Katy hid a smile. “We won't really know for certain until we see if he shows up for the wedding, will we?”
    “You think my fears are amusing now. But wait and see how you feel when you find yourself abandoned at the altar. I was there when it happened to your mother. I saw the grief and the shame in her eyes. I shall never forget it. Nor shall I ever forget the look on your grandfather's face when he turned to me that day.”
    Katy was horrified to see the tears start down Justine's cheeks. She hauled herself out of the pool and grabbed her robe. She quickly wrapped it around herself and then hugged Justine, offering what comfort she could.
    It was difficult to console a Gilchrist bent on embracing the depths of melodrama, Katy reflected ruefully. But she did her best. After all, while Gilchrist emotions sometimes seemed overstated, there was no denying they were
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