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Existence 2.5 - Leif

Existence 2.5 - Leif

Titel: Existence 2.5 - Leif
Autoren: Abbi Glines
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yesterday, I’m sorry I was so rude about helping you. I did sign up to tutor for extra credit and I shouldn’t have treated you the way I did ,” she paused and stared up at me with an anxious expression. I wanted to ease her mind but I couldn’t. Not here. Not with him watching and listening. “If you still want m e to tutor you, I’d be happy to.” She finished and I wasn’t sure what the correct response was to this .

I would do whatever she allowed just to be close to her. But Dankmar was near. I kept the bored expression on my face a nd pretended to be thinking her offer over. When it looked like she might bolt , I replied, “Are you offering because of Mr. Yorkley ? Did he make you do this?”

The frown on her face was so damn cute. One day soon I’d be able to reach out and smooth it away with my fingertips… or lips. “I acted the way I did because I just don’t like you very much. I was wrong and, honestly, I don’t even know you well enough to form an opinion of you. I’m offering to help because you need it. That’s what I signed up for and that’s why I’m here now.”

She admitted she did n ’t like me. Even though that should worry me , it didn’t. The simple admission made me smile. “You don’t like me, huh?”

She straightened up attempting to stand taller and gave me a small shake of her head. I couldn’t help but laugh. “Well, we might have to work on changing your mind. I’ll see you later.” I replied then turned and walked away. Leaving her alone with Dankmar so close by bothered me. But he di dn’t need to know I sensed him just like he didn’t need to know , I intended to take Pagan’s soul before he could. After all, her soul was mine.

2. Death was talking to her - Leif

“ Dat’s good son. Da gurl is right dare witin yor reach. Don worry bout de Death. De gurl’s soul don mean notin to him.” Father stepped out in front of me as I started up Pagan’s sidewalk. His top hat was cocked back on his head , which meant he’d been drinking heavily and was in a very good mood.

“Thanks but I’m already late. I don’t want to get on her bad side tonight. She isn’t a fan of me yet.” But she would be. I was going to make sure of it.

“ Jes get de gurl . You don ‘ ave time for anytin else. Dankmar is close on her heels.” With one final ring of smoke from his lips he disappeared. He was right of course. I had to find a way into Pagan’s heart and fast.

Pagan opened the door almost immediately. The look on her face wasn’t promising. Crap. I’d pissed her off again. Flashing her my most sincere smile I began apologizing. “I’m really sorry about this. I feel bad you ’re having to work around my schedule. I know seven is late and, well, I’m sorry.”

Her anger vanished and the easy smile I’d hoped to see appeared on her face. She was beautiful.

“That’s okay. Go ahead and sit at the table and I’ll get us something to drink. Do you like root beer?” She asked turning and walking away from me. I followed her inside. I wasn’t sure I’d ever had a root beer but that admission would sound odd.

“That’s great, thanks.” I replied.

Her living room wasn’t new to me. I’d been here so many times before. Watching over her. Consoling her. Now, she was helping me. This time she would remember my being here. Just knowing that what we had would finally be real to her was exciting.

When she walked back into the room I decided to ease the nervous tension surrounding us . This should be easy. “I brought the schedule for class and what all is expected in this course. I have one week before the first speech is due and it needs to be on something I feel strongly about.”

She sat the soda down in front of me. “So, we need to decide what you’re passionate about.”

I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. Passionate. That was a loaded word. One I knew a lot about.

“What?” she asked frowning.

“What I’m passionate about?” I asked still grinning.

She rolled her eyes, “You know, something you feel strongly about. Like your purpose or platform.”

There was only one thing I felt passionate about but it wasn’t time I admit that just yet. “Passionate, I like that. Let’s think of something I’m passionate about.”

The prissy look on her face as she puckered her lips and grabbed the notebook was just too damn cute. “Got any ideas?” she asked in a tone that said she already knew I was going to say something
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