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Existence 2.5 - Leif

Existence 2.5 - Leif

Titel: Existence 2.5 - Leif
Autoren: Abbi Glines
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sexy smirk when I shivered.”

“Okay, but I heard a voice. In my ear. Like when you talk to me but you’re far

Dank tensed and he took a deep breath. “You did?”

I nodded and watched as he closed his eyes tightly and an angry snarl vibrated against his chest.

“No one gets that close to you. No thing gets that close to you.” He kissed the tip of my nose and then closed the door before appearing in the driver’s seat beside me. I sure hoped he wasn’t so otherwise occupied that he wasn’t paying attention to what my mother was doing. If she was looking out the window just now then things could get complicated.

“She’s already closed off in her room writing,” Dank said as he cranked the Jeep and pulled out onto the road. I didn’t ask how he knew what I was thinking. I was used to this by now. I couldn’t worry about anything without him knowing. He was obsessed with fixing all my problems. Normally that would frustrate me but right now with the problems I had looming I needed him.

“What did the voice say?” His voice was tense and I could tell he was trying to control the angry hiss that amused me when it was brought on because of jealousy. Right now it wasn’t amusing. At all.

“It’s almost time,” I replied, studying his reaction. His left hand tightened on the steering wheel as he reached over and rested his hand on my thigh.

“I’ll have this handled immediately. I didn’t see anything but I felt it. The moment you froze, I felt it. It isn’t a soul. It isn’t a deity. It is nothing that I’m familiar with but that leaves only a few things it can be. And I promise you Pagan that not one of those things is a match for me. So stop worrying. I’m Death, baby. Remember that.”

I let out a sigh and covered his hand with mine . “I know,” I replied and began tracing hearts on his hand with the tip of my finger. “I missed you last night,” he whispered in a husky voice . I smiled down at his hands as he flipped it over and clasped mine in his. I liked knowing he missed me. “Good.”

An amused chuckle was his response.
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