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Titel: Yesterday's Gone: Season Three (THE POST-APOCALYPTIC SERIAL THRILLER)
Autoren: Sean Platt , David Wright
Vom Netzwerk:
appreciate if you have a few minutes…
    If you enjoyed this story, or even if you kinda liked it, please LEAVE A REVIEW TODAY.

    We hate begging you like an NPR pledge drive, but we’re new writers, still making our name. In today’s publishing world, with so many great writers out there trying to get noticed, reviews are one of the primary ways writers free themselves from obscurity.
    We would both write no matter what, even if we only had five readers. And we have. Dave wrote for years while working graveyard at a gas station, dreaming of a day he’d have people wandering the worlds of his design in the hallways of their mind. Sean spent 30 years sucking movies, books and TV through a pop culture straw, thinking the entire time that he “could never do that” until the day he wondered if he could.
    We’re writers. We have stories to tell, and want to tell them to you forever.
    Our books are what we do when we get up to go to work each day. The better our books do, the better we do. The more we can write, and the more ambitious we can be.

    Will You Be a Part of Our 1%?
    About 1% of people who read a book review it.
    Some people don’t like leaving reviews.
    Some people don’t realize how much it matters to a modern author.
    Some people have never left a review and have no idea what to say.
    Some people never even consider it.
    Most people don’t have time.
    If you can’t leave a review for whatever reason, or even if you don’t want to, we totally understand. We are thrilled you’re reading, and appreciate the time you spend in our worlds.
    But if you do, please know that you’re part of that 1% who really drive us to get noticed, since we know you want to see a What Would Boricio Do? Show on HBO as much as we would.
    The biggest challenge for indie authors is finding an audience. Word-of-mouth and reviews at Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Sony, Goodreads, and similar sites can make all the difference in the world between whether a new reader will find and buy our books.
    If you have a few minutes, you will make a huge difference in how our story as indie writers continues to unfold. It doesn’t have to be long, just honest. Three sentences saying why you liked the episode (or season) will read like pages of thank-you to us.
    Click on any of the pages on the Our Books to be brought to the Amazon page for the book you wish to review.

    Thank you for reading,
    David Wright & Sean Platt

    * * * *

Our Serials

    * Most serial episodes are priced at .99 during season (while the season is live) and then go to $2.99 per episode AFTER the season is through. However, we don’t raise the price until we release the FULL SEASON at one low price ($5.99 at press time) so you’ll never have to spend more than $6 on a season. For a full long and boring explanation on our pricing visit:

    ::Yesterday’s Gone Series — the post-apocalyptic serial::


    (Coming Summer 2013)

    ::Available Darkness — the new breed of vampire thriller::

The Darkness is Back


    FBI Special Agent Caleb Baldwin is on the hunt for a serial killer who has left a trail of burned bodies. One of those victims - his wife. As he gets closer to finding the killer, he falls deeper into an elaborate conspiracy.

    A man wakes buried alive with no memory of who or what he is. In his pocket, a note: “Avoid the sunlight and don’t touch anybody.” Now he is being hunted by the FBI while trying to remember his monstrous past. He must control the darkness within before it consumes him and the child whose life he must protect.

    11-year-old Abigail was dying slowly each day as the prisoner of a sick man. Until she is saved by the most unlikely of heroes - a vampire with a deadly touch. He is her only hope, and she may hold the key to unlocking the memories of his hidden past.

    Past, present, fate, and future are on a collision course as the hours of AVAILABLE DARKNESS are ticking away and a force greater than anything the world has ever seen threatens humanity.

    Available Darkness is the first book in an epic journey that reinvents vampire mythology with a fast paced, character-driven thriller that blends action, mystery, fantasy, and horror in an addictive, tragically romantic story.


    US: www.amazon.com/dp/B009YWLV94/
    UK: www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B009YWLV94/

    SEASON TWO (December
Vom Netzwerk:

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