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Titel: Yesterday's Gone: Season Three (THE POST-APOCALYPTIC SERIAL THRILLER)
Autoren: Sean Platt , David Wright
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Charlie nearly died during a snowstorm, but was dragged to safety by Adam. They found their way back to the compound to find Boricio gone, and a former member of their group turned monster, trying to kill them. They escaped and went off in search of Callie. They found a van on the side of the road. As they investigated, they were shot with tranquilizer darts by someone.
    Boricio Wolfe, searching for Charlie, Adam, and Callie, found himself led to the gates of a church and compound called The Sanctuary, a place he, Charlie, and Adam had been held prisoner months back by the cult.
    Upon his arrival, Boricio was surprised that nobody recognizes him. There has been something of a turnover issue at the church, apparently.
    The Sanctuary is run by an enigmatic old man calling himself The Prophet, on the account that he’d seen events of October 15 before they happened. The Prophet runs a strict old school Christian church where morality is imposed with violence. The Prophet also had something to do with events, as he was given a vial by someone. When he opened it, everyone vanished, in what he assumes was The Rapture.
    Unbeknownst to The Prophet, one of the men he took in, John , is actually part of the evil plaguing the world, hiding in the shell of a human, waiting and biding its time for the right moment.
    John, before his transformation, was part of a group of survivors from Warson Woods , which includes Desmond, Mary, her daughter Paola, Jimmy (who the possessed John secretly killed), who also wound up at The Sanctuary when John rolled in to save the day when the barn they were staying at was overrun by monsters. At first, The Sanctuary seems just that — a safe place where the monsters roaming the world cannot breach. So they accept an invitation by John to stay.
    The Warson Woods group also saw the addition of two members, the eight year old Luca , and a former Air Force researcher, Will , who also saw the events of October 15 in a dream. He also dreamed of meeting Luca, and knew that he had to protect him.
    Luca discovered that he has an ability to heal people, but he ages each time he does, becoming a child in a young man’s body. Soon, Brother Rei , began to crack down, first targeting a young girl, Rebecca , who he punished by putting her in a box for a week after convincing her suitor, Carl, to betray her, and say that she seduced him.
    Then, he targeted Luca, who had begun to bond with Rebecca as he astral projected himself into her head and began to fall for her. When Luca tried to save Rebecca, Brother Rei and his “Brothers” attacked Luca and Desmond — with some help from Boricio, who was just playing the cards he’s dealt. Brother Rei, who was planning a coup of The Sanctuary, believed that Desmond and Luca knew of spies within the ranks and began to torture them.
    Soon, all hell broke loose at The Sanctuary as Rei’s uprising began since The Prophet was bedridden thanks to his plot to poison the leader. Brother Rei shot John dead. Then his Brothers dragged Mary and Paola to The Hole, where he was holding Desmond, Luca, and Linc, another addition to the Warson Woods group. Rei shocked them all by shooting the child, Paola, and then killing her mother, Mary, along with Mary and Desmond’s unborn child.
    Brother Rei left the room to join in the uprising, leaving his goons, now including Boricio, to finish off Desmond and Luca.
    Luca tried to communicate with Will, who had left before events went bad, to come back to save them. He soon found himself using his growing powers to go into Boricio’s head, where he saw Boricio’s inner child being abused. Luca tried to get through to Boricio to help them by appealing to the child within him. Boricio turned on him, however, stalking Luca back to his own childhood home where Boricio attempted to injure him. Luca then found a way back to the younger Boricio and they soon found themselves watching another reality play out — one where Boricio hadn’t become a serial killer, but had been adopted by Will, of all people, and was living a happy life.
    Luca then fixed something within Boricio. When Boricio came to in the Hole, he helped Desmond and Luca break free.
    However, Luca’s attempts to heal Mary and Paola proved fruitless.
    Devastated, Desmond left the Hole to seek vengeance on Brother Rei. Unbeknownst to them, however, the darkness that was in John left John’s body and infiltrated The Prophet, who then left The Sanctuary and called his monsters
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