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Titel: Warprize
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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would mean to them.
    “First, I feel that I must correct a lie that Xymund told to us and to the people. Let me explain the meaning of the word ‘warprize’.” I took my time, emphasizing the honor that the title bestowed, and its meaning to those of the Plains. Simus confirmed my words, but I could see limited understanding in their eyes. It didn’t matter to me if they thought it was the truth, or an effort to restore my wounded pride. So long as they believed. That chore done, I turned to the important issues. “With the Kingdom returned to the House of Xy, we must consider the needs of our country and its people. While the Warlord has offered assurances that the raiding will not resume during his lifetime, Lord Warren and I have discussed our safety. The knowledge of a female ruler on a throne will spread, and there may be those who will challenge our throne and borders. Our military must be strong enough to deal with these challenges, and that will mean raising taxes for its support.”
    I cleared my throat and took a sip of water. The headache was still there, pounding fiercely behind my temples. “Which leads me to the next topic that I and my council need to consider. We need to consider any potential alliance marriages and assuring that the royal line continues.”
    Archbishop Drizen was frowning. Hopefully, he was starting to think about what a royal consort would mean. A man, unknown to them, who would come in and, by simple virtue of my lack of skills, would move into a position of power. Let that idea settle into their understanding.
    “We must also prepare in the event that I should die in childbirth or without living issue. The people must be assured that the kingdom will pass into safe and strong hands.” I bit my lip, as if in thought. “There are few distant cousins, but they must be considered as potential heirs.”
    There were definite looks of concern now. They all knew the cousins.
    “Would that there was time to discuss some type of trade relations with the Warlord before he left.” I turned my head carefully. “Simus, would your people be open to such talks?”
    Simus shook his head. “Your Majesty, our people take what they want. The idea of trade is foreign to them. I fear that will not happen.” He shrugged. “That is a concept that only a warprize could introduce to the tribes.”
    “A shame. I liked the colors.” I smiled at him. “Especially the purple that you wear today.”
    Simus arched his eyebrows and smiled, sitting a bit straighter in his chair. I stifled a smile, for Simus out of uniform was a sight to behold. He seemed to prefer gaudy colors, and shone like a peacock among drab pigeons. He preened as the lords and ladies of the council gawked at him. What he missed was the look of greed on Masterweaver
    Meris’s face. She looked like she would do anything to get the secret of those dyes. Exactly as I had hoped.
    I rose, and everyone rose with me. “We have many hard decisions to make in the coming days. We will meet tomorrow, three hours after dawn, in order to begin this great work. May the Goddess bless us all.”
    Simus extended his arm, and I took it. The buzz of talk started before we were over the threshold and into the hall. As the doors swung shut, I took the crown off with a sigh. “Simus, do you have any kavage in your chambers?”
    Simus laughed. “I do indeed.”



Chapter 13
    Anna had assigned Simus servants and they brought hot kavage as we settled into the chairs by the fireplace in his quarters. Even with the flames roaring, there was a chill in the room. I took the offered mug and sipped the bitter liquid carefully. The servants bowed and retreated from the chamber. Simus had a mug of his own, and settled in a chair opposite me. “I swear by the skies that my tent is warmer than this stone castle of yours.” He grumbled in his own language. I nodded and ran a hand through my hair, thankful to be rid of the weight of the crown. It sat on the table next to me, gleaming in the firelight. The taste of kavage was bitter on my tongue, yet soothing. I could almost feel my headache fade with every sip.
    “You did well, little healer.” Simus leaned back, stretching out his long legs, cupping his mug in two hands. “You showed knowledge and strength.”
    I stared down into the dark liquid left in my mug. It was time. “Simus, as Queen of Xy, I must obey you as the representative of my liege lord, right?” I used his
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