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Small Talk Englisch

Small Talk Englisch

Titel: Small Talk Englisch
Autoren: Helga Kansy
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Unsicherheit hilft Small Talk hinweg: Pure Höflichkeit verlangt es, immer etwas Nettes zu äußern, selbst wenn schwierige Themen und Zeiten anstehen. Ist der erste Schritt zur Kommunikation getan, fällt der nächste schon leichter. Vergessen Sie dabei nicht: Allen anderen fällt ihr Auftreten vor Kollegen auch nicht leichter als Ihnen.
    It is international advertising's annual convention. Managing partner, Jo Smith, and marketing manager, Sandra Miller, of two different companies, meet during the coffee break.
    Smith: Hi Sandra, are you enjoying the conference? Miller: Oh, hello Jo. Yes, I'm enjoying it. How about yourself?
    Smith: So far, so good. To be honest, I can't wait to hear our guest speaker. He is supposed to be very good. People are just raving about him.
    Miller: Yes, his work is well received. I've heard nothing but good things about him. Ah, the bell is ringing. We'd better get going and find a seat.
    I'm pretty sure it will be packed.
    Smith: Well, let's see what we can learn.
    Why don't we meet up again after the talk? Miller: Sounds like a good idea. See you then.
Useful phrases
    Before a presentation / Vor einem Vortrag
I can't wait to hear him/her speak.
Their work is highly praised.
One hears nothing but good things about him/her.
Everybody likes his dry sense of humor.
    After a presentation / Nach einem Vortrag
I really enjoyed your presentation.
Job well done! Keep up the good work.
You hit some very interesting points.
You did a fine job of explaining something complex in a simple way.
    During a coffee break / Während einer Kaffeepause
Hi John. Here we go again. Another convention.
Are you enjoying the conference?
The coffee and the Danish feel good right now, don't they?
They always do such a great job with serving hot coffee and donuts.
Which sessions are you going to?
How did your presentation go?
    Welcoming a new a colleague / Einen neuen Kollegen willkommen heißen
Well, I called for this meeting to welcome our new colleague.
I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome and introduce …
This is Karen Reilly. Welcome on board.
I'm absolutely delighted to have Mike Wood as our new data processing manager.
    Get-togethers at work / Treffen am Arbeitsplatz
On behalf of our company, I would like to welcome you to …
It's good to see you all here.
First of all, I would like to thank Jill for taking care of the food and drinks.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for …
Help yourself to something to drink and eat. It's on the house.
    Meeting colleagues at the cafeteria / Kollegen/innen, die Sie in der Kantine treffen
May I join you?
Is this seat taken already?
Hello Bob, please have a seat.
Why don't you join us? Then we can talk a little bit.
Oh Barb, I'm glad to see you. Can I sit with you?
So, how've you been?
The food isn't too bad, is it?
How is business for you?
Did you watch the game yesterday?
Congratulations! I heard you got promoted.
It is my great pleasure to welcome Judy White to our firm.
    Parties, Anniversaries, and other Events / Parties, Geburtstage und andere Treffen
    In den USA ist es Gang und Gäbe, für langjährige Arbeitskollegen/innen eine surprise party zu organisieren. Meist erfolgt hierfür eine schriftliche Einladung an die gesamte Abteilung, mit der Bitte um strikte Geheimhaltung, so dass die Überraschung auch gut geplant ist und gelingt. Auch dieAnerkennung durch eine Abschiedsfeier ist ein wichtiges geschäftliches Ritual.
    Festtage auch am Arbeitsplatz zu feiern, ist in den USA beliebter als in Deutschland. Das mag damit zusammen hängen, dass es in Deutschland weit mehr gesetzliche Feiertage gibt als in den USA oder in Großbritannien. Neben den Geburtstagen, denen am Arbeitsplatz mit einem kleinen get-together, einem zwanglosen Treffen gedacht wird, gehören dazu der secretaries day am 21. April sowie offizielle Feiertage, wie z.B. Weihnachten oder Ostern.
    Dear colleagues, as you might know, Nancy is celebrating her 25 th anniversary at this company in May. Thus, we would like to organize a little surprise party for her on May 1. We thought we'd do a potluck. Please mark on the list what you'd like to bring. We also bought her a little present for her Hummel collection. We got her the little flower girl. It would be nice if each of you could contribute five dollars.
    Please see Joan for details. Hope to see you there. The party committee, Ann & Amy.
Useful Phrases
    At the (surprise) party / Auf der
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