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Love Means_. Freedom - Andrew Grey

Love Means_. Freedom - Andrew Grey

Titel: Love Means_. Freedom - Andrew Grey
Autoren: Andrew Grey
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disappointment he felt sure were going to be there.
    A hand smoothed through his hair, gently soothing away the fear. "We should have talked. I was miserable the entire time I was gone. Missing you and wondering why you sent me away."

    Stone turned back to look at him. "That last night...."
    "I was making love to you because I thought it was the last time I'd get to, and I wanted you to know how I felt about you. That I loved you, even if I was too scared to say it." There, he'd finally told Preston how he felt. Now he looked deeply into his eyes, wondering if he'd be accepted or rejected.
    "I should have told you I loved you too." Preston sighed just before kissing him again, this time harder and with all the feeling of newly declared love. "I should have demanded to know why you were sending me away. Instead, I was just shocked and hurt; I thought you didn't want me, like Kent." Preston rested his head right near his, leaning against the bed.
    "I want you, Preston, arrogance and all." Stone petted the skin on Preston's arm.

    "I promise to use it for good, Stable Boy." Preston winked at him, and Stone smiled. "My Stable Boy." The tone of his voice sent shivers through Stone, and he smiled as the one-time insult became an endearment. "You need to sleep."

    "So do you." Stone didn't want to close his eyes; he was too happy and wanted to be awake to enjoy it. But his body had other ideas. Stone woke and looked over at the chair, expecting to see Preston, but instead Eli was there, watching over him. "Where's Preston?" His stomach did a little flip. "He said he'd be here."

    "He didn't leave, but I got the impression that there was something he needed to take care of.

    He'll be back." Food arrived, and Stone sat up and began to eat. "The doctor stopped by and said everything looks good, so you can go home this afternoon."
    That was a relief. As he finished eating what he could of the bland food, Adelle walked into the room, carrying a bag. "How you feelin'?" "They're trying to starve me with this stuff." He jabbed the spoon in some kind of cereal and it stayed there. "Who can eat this glop?"
    She began to laugh. "Why do you think I brought you this?" Adelle placed the bag on the tray, and Stone tore into it, rewarded by the smell of homemade doughnuts. Digging into the bag, he started stuffing one into his mouth.
    "Fank you," he mumbled around the mouthful of doughnut.
"You're welcome, Honey Child." She leaned closer, "But if you keep talkin' with your mouth full, I'll take them back with me." Stone swallowed and did his best to look contrite. "Yes ma'am." The gleam in his eye gave him away.
"I understand that Preston's back." Adelle sat in one of the chairs, her back straight, coat draped over her lap.
Eli nodded before speaking. "He had to take care of something."
"Did he say what it was?" Stone asked, extremely curious, and that worried flutter in his stomach returned.
"No," Eli answered, "but he asked Joey to take him to his parents."

    "DOYOUwant me to go with you?" Joey asked as they pulled into Preston's parents'
    "No." He looked at his friend and smiled. "Thank you, but this is something that I have to do on my own." He looked toward the front door as the car pulled to a stop. "It's time I finally did this for myself." Opening the door, Preston pulled out his walker and got to his feet, waving to Joey as the car pulled away before opening the front door and walking inside.
    He found himself almost immediately engulfed in a hug from his mother. "Is he okay?" she whispered softly in his ear.
"He's going to be fine," he replied, grateful that he had her support, at least. "Is he home?"
    She nodded, "Your father's in his office. He's been on the phone all day and getting grumpier by the minute. You know your being here isn't going to make him any happier," she warned. "You should have visited your friend and then gone back."

    "I can't, and you know why. I love him, Mom, and that's not going to change." Preston made his way to a chair and sat, keeping the walker handy as he looked up at her, hoping, willing her to understand. He sure as hell knew that his father would never understand, but he figured she might. "I know you do, and I just want you to be happy. That's the most important thing. But I worry. People will hurt you, maybe hate you for being... you know... gay. And no mother wants to see her child hurt."
    "But you want me happy, right?" She nodded. "Stone makes me happy."
"But he sent you
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