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Love Means_. Freedom - Andrew Grey

Love Means_. Freedom - Andrew Grey

Titel: Love Means_. Freedom - Andrew Grey
Autoren: Andrew Grey
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away," she protested.
    "I know, Mom. He sent me away because he thought I'd be happier if I took the job." He reached for her hands. "Mom, he let me go because he didn't think he was good enough and that I'd be happier doing what I loved," he said earnestly, hoping she'd get the meaning. Her mouth opened in surprise. "Are you saying he loved you enough to let you go for what he thought was your own good?" Preston nodded as she wiped her eye. "It must be wonderful to be loved that much." She looked longingly toward the office. "He used to love me like that." Before Preston could react to that glimpse into his parents' relationship, he was hugged within an inch of his life. "You deserve to be loved like that; we all do." He reached out to comfort her, and she stood back up and left the room, hurrying down the hall.
    Listening to a door close, Preston got up and walked slowly toward his father's office, hearing him on the phone as he approached the door. His stomach tightened and his nerves went wild. This was something he knew he had to do. It was time. If he ever wanted to be free of him, he had to stand up to him. Without knocking, he turned the latch and pushed the door in, stepping into the room.
    Preston's father was on the phone. "I'll call you back." They locked eyes as he hung up the phone. "What in hell are you doing here?" He stood up and glared at Preston.
    His first instinct, after years of practice, was to step back, but he stopped himself. He could do this. "I came to visit a sick friend and to talk to you." Preston used the walker to move forward, his steps becoming more confident as he got closer. "You've meddled in my life for the last time, Dad." He figured the best defense was a good offense. "I spent last night in the hospital with Stone, and we talked, for a long time. I know about your phone call to Stone, and I know how you feel about me. But I've decided that I'm going to live my life for me and not you."
    "I'll cut you off." The old threat just didn't have the effect any more.
    "I don't really care. I have friends and someone who loves me for me. I don't need you and I certainly don't need your job." Preston walked to the nearest chair and sat down, making himself comfortable, knowing that would frost his dad's butt. "By the way, since I'm a nice guy, I'll tell you that the head of finance in Kansas City is a complete idiot."
    "Of course he's an idiot. I want you to take over for him!" Milford's eyes burned with fury and what Preston thought might be the beginnings of respect.

    Preston smiled. "Not interested, Dad. I want to make it on my own." He softened his tone, "I don't want to be a success because you're my father. I want to be a success because you showed me I can do it on my own, just the way you did." Preston watched as his father plopped back in his chair. "Is this really how you feel?" The expression was unreadable, but his voice held surprise rather than anger.
    "Yes. I know I can do anything if I have Stone." His father's expression darkened visibly. "I know how you feel, Dad, but that's tough. I'm gay, I love Stone, and I'm going to be with him, if he'll have me. We've been through this before, and it's time you accept it." Preston stood up, using the walker to steady himself. Taking a few steps forward, he stood tall in front of his father's desk. "I will live my life as I see fit. You can either be a part of it or not. That's up to you.
    But your interference will not be tolerated."
"You know I'm your trustee and that I can see to it that there's virtually nothing left of it."
    "Well, Dad, I have four words for you: breach of fiduciary duty." Preston smiled. "I've already been in touch with a lawyer in town, and he's looking into how you've used that money."

    Preston stepped right up to the desk. "He's not pleased, and I'm sure he can get a judge to see that what you've been doing isn't according to the covenants of the trust." His father's eyebrows rose.
    "So you need to make it right and you need to turn it over to my lawyer, who'll act as trustee."
"You seem to have thought of everything," he said, clenching his teeth.
    "Dad, you have a decision to make: you can either be a part of my life on my terms and accept me for who I am, or you can go to Hell!" Preston reached for the walker and, without another word, turned and began walking toward the door. He didn't turn around, and his father didn't say anything. "And by the way, the next time you call Stone, it had better be to
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