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Love Means_. Freedom - Andrew Grey

Love Means_. Freedom - Andrew Grey

Titel: Love Means_. Freedom - Andrew Grey
Autoren: Andrew Grey
Vom Netzwerk:
eBook ISBN: 978-1-61581-518-0 Dedication
    To my beta reader Gabi for all her help and insight.

    THE truck pulled off the side of the road, skidding to a stop. "I don't need no freeloaders. If you won't pay, you can walk!" the man growled as Stone began reaching for the handle. "You should have just sucked it!"
    Stone opened the passenger door and made a grab for his bag, figuring the driver would try to steal his stuff. He was right, because the truck began to move as soon as his foot hit the ground. Stone swiped his arm at the driver and hit him on the side of the face, the truck jerking to a stop again. Grabbing his bag and yanking, he tugged it with him and fell away from the truck as it took off again. "Old fucker," he yelled at the taillights, "I wouldn't suck that button mushroom dick of yours for nothing!" He did have some standards, after all. Watching the taillights disappear, he pulled himself out of the snow bank and stomped the snow off his clothes.
    "Damn, it's cold out here." He stomped a few times to get warm before picking up his pack and slinging it over his shoulder. He'd only been in the truck a few minutes, so he hadn't had much of a chance to warm up in the first place. He tried to figure his chances of getting lucky with a ride twice on a night like this.
    Snow swirled around him as he began walking. Stone had no idea where he was going and only hoped he could find a warm place out of the wind, which began to pick up almost as soon as it began getting dark. He heard the sound of a car approaching behind him and put out his thumb, but the driver continued down the road, his wheels throwing up a wave of ice and slush, making Stone even colder. "Fuck." He rummaged around in his pack, but couldn't find his gloves. "God damn," he half cried to the silent trees, his adrenaline-fueled bravado popping like a soap bubble.
    He'd left his gloves in the old fuck's truck. He shoved his hands back in his pockets for warmth.
"Maybe I should have just sucked him off." The thought made him shudder as tears threatened.
    He might have been desperate, but he wasn't that desperate, not yet. Wiping his eyes, he looked around at the darkening landscape of trees and white. "Maybe I will be soon." Huddling to keep his skin out of the wind, he continued walking and found himself approaching a corner.
    Stone saw a sign that read, "West Shore Community College," and he began walking down the drive, figuring he could at least huddle in a doorway. The place looked shut tight and no one appeared to be around. As he walked, the trees formed a windbreak, giving him some relief, anyway.
    Dark brick buildings came into view nearby, and he headed over to one of them, trying the door, but it was locked. Stone walked all around the building, but it was shut tight. He let out a sigh. He should have known; they were probably still on Christmas break and wouldn't be back for a while. He thought about breaking a window, but with his luck, the place would be alarmed.
    Maybe at least jail would be warm.

    He actually picked up a stone and was about to hurl it toward a sheet of glass when he saw lights flickering between the trees. Lights meant people and maybe warmth. Putting down the rock, he headed toward the lights, hoping he'd get lucky.
    Stone broke out of the trees and the wind cut right through his coat. He looked ahead and saw what appeared to be the outline of a barn and farmhouse. Walking across the street, he trudged through the snow and up to the front porch, now shivering with every step, praying they'd maybe let him sleep in their barn. Pulling his hand out of his pocket, he rapped on the screen door, his hand tingling as it woke a little before going numb again, and he shoved it back in his pocket.
    Heavy footsteps approached and the door opened, and Stone opened his mouth to speak, but his teeth only chattered and he began to shake. "Eli!" the man yelled into the house, "I need help!" The first man was joined by another, and the door opened further. Stone thanked his lucky stars as he was ushered into the warm room, the door closing behind him.

    He stood on the mat and shivered, eyes closed as he let the warmth embrace him. Hands began to remove his coat and he jerked away forcefully. "Hey, kid. No one's going to hurt you.

    We just need to get this off so you can get warm." Stone opened his eyes and looked at the man trying to help him with his coat. "What's your name?"
    "S... S... Stone," he stammered through
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