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JFK - Staatsstreich in Amerika (German Edition)

JFK - Staatsstreich in Amerika (German Edition)

Titel: JFK - Staatsstreich in Amerika (German Edition)
Autoren: Mathias Bröckers
Vom Netzwerk:
Gehirnwäsche. Die geheime Geschichte der Gedankenkontrolle , Frankfurt 2008
    Summers, Anthony: Die Wahrheit über den Kennedy-Mord , München 1983
    —: Official and Confidential. The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover , London 2012
    Sutton, Antony C.: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. A Astonishing True Story of the American Financiers Who Bankrolled the Nazis , London 1989 (dt. Ausg.: Wall Street und der Aufstieg Hitlers , Basel 2008)
    Sylwester, Mike: »Mob Connections. Jack Ruby, Smuggling With and Spying on Communists, 1938–1958«, JFK Lancer , o.J.; http://www.jfklancer.com/mobconnections.html
    Talbot, David: Brothers. The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years , New York 2008
    The Kennedy Assassination Records Review Board ( ARRB ); http://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/review-board/report/
    Toynbee, Arnold: America and the World Revolution and Other Lectures , New York 1962
    Trento, Joseph J.: The Secret History of the CIA , Roseville 2001
    Valentine, Douglas: »Deconstructing Kowalski«, Citizens for truth about the Kennedy assassination , August 2000; http://www.ctka.net/2012/mlk_decon_kowalski.html#KingReport
    —: The Strength of the Wolf. The Secret History of America’s War on Drugs , New York 2004
    Waldron, Lamar / Hartmann, Thom: Ultimate Sacrifice. John and Robert Kennedy, the Plan for a Coup in Cuba, and the Murder of JFK , New York 2005
    Weisberg, Harold: Whitewash. The Report on the Warren Report (1965), Ipswich 2006
    Whalen, Richard J.: The Founding Father. The Story of Joseph P. Kennedy: A Study in Power, Wealth and Family Ambition , Washington 1964
    Wrone, David: The Zapruder Film. Reframing JFK’s Assassination , Lawrence 2003
    Yeadon, Glen / Hawkins, John: The Nazi Hydra in America. Supressed History of a Century: Wall Street and the Rise of the Fourth Reich , Joshua Tree 2008

    Ace Guard Security 230 f.
    Adonis, Joe »Joey A« (Giuseppe Antonio Doto) 36
    Air America 150
    Allen, George 102
    Alpert, Richard 83
    Alpha 66 73
    Angleton, Cicely 94
    Angleton, James Jesus 17, 89, 93–97, 134, 143 f., 152 f., 157 f., 199, 206, 216, 240
    Anson, Robert 43
    Anti-Castro-Aktivisten 74, , 117 f., 134, 138 f., 149, 158, 198, 203
    Applin, George 197
    Arbusto Energy 151
    Armstrong, Leslie 218
    Arnold, Carolyn 120
    Arnold, Gordon L. 122, 188 f.
    ASC (American Security Council) 214
    Attwood, William H. 72, 88
    Baker, Gladys Pearl (geb. Monroe) 42
    Baker, Judyth Vary 175–181, 196
    Baker, Marion L. 120, 121
    Baker, Robert Barney 198
    Bamford, James 61
    Banister, William Guy 138 ff., 143, 145, 147 f., 174, 176, 214
    Barth, James A. 151
    Bartlett, Charles 89
    Batista y Zaldívar, Fulgencio 30 ff., 52, 213
    BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International) 151
    BCI (Banque de Credit International) 146 f., 151 f.
    Belin, David W. 161
    Belzer, Richard 247
    Ben-Gurion, David 200
    Bernstein, Carl 82, 170
    Beschloss, Michael 153
    Billings, Richard 148
    Bin Laden (Familie) 151
    Bin Laden, Osama 171
    Bissell, Richard M. 51 f., 54
    Black Panthers 241
    Black, Edwin 115 ff.
    Blaine, Gerald 186
    Blakey, G. Robert 148 f., 202 f.
    Bloomfield, Sir Louis M. 146
    Bolden, Abraham »Abe« 113–117, 187
    Bolschakow, Georgi 253
    Bonanno, Giuseppe (alias Joe Bananas) 36
    Boone, Eugene 123
    Bradlee, Benjamin Crowninshield »Ben« 40, 81, 93 ff.
    Breed, Allen 249
    Brennan, Howard L. 122, 127
    Breschnew, Leonid 70, 110 f.
    Brewer, Johnny C. 123, 126
    Brown & Root 221
    Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. 17
    Brown, Daniel 233
    Brown, George Rufus, und Madeleine 220
    Brugioni, Dino A. 166
    Bruneau, Emile 198
    Buchalter, Louis »Lepke« 36, 193
    Bugliosi, Vincent 167, 171
    Bundy, McGeorge 71
    Burke, Arleigh Alber 53
    Burleigh, Nina 89, 97
    Bush, George H.W. 132, 137, 207
    Bush, George W. 17, 151, 220
    Bush, Prescott 17 f.
    Butler, Edward S. »Ed« 138
    Cabarga, José 213
    Cabell, Charles P., und Earle 208
    Cain, Richard 203
    Carbajal, Ruben 217
    Cassini, Igor, und Oleg 80
    Castro Ruz, Fidel 31 f., 51 f., 56, 58–61, 63, 69–75, 88, 101, 154, 176, 180 f., 189, 193, 199 f., 204, 207, 214
    Centro Mondiale Commerciale 146, 152
    Cesar, Thane Eugene 229 ff.
    Chruschtschow, Nikita 49, 58, 65 ff., 69–73, 75 f., 84, 101 f., 108–111, 154, 199, 205, 252 f., 259
    Church, Frank Forrester 60
    Churchill, Winston 25
    Church-Komitee 60, 202
    Cicero, Marcus Tullius 254
    Civello, Joseph »Joe« 191
    Clark, Earl 237
    Clark, Edward »Ed« 220
    Clemons, Acquilla 123
    Clinton, William »Bill« 193
    Cohn, Roy Marcus 146
    Condon, Richard
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