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JFK - Staatsstreich in Amerika (German Edition)

JFK - Staatsstreich in Amerika (German Edition)

Titel: JFK - Staatsstreich in Amerika (German Edition)
Autoren: Mathias Bröckers
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Suchowljanski) 24 f., 27, 31 f., 36 f., 147, 152, 192 f., 198, 240
    Lardner, George 143
    Law, William M. 211
    Lawson (Secret-Service-Agent) 185
    Leary, Timothy 83–86
    Lechuga, Carlos 72
    LeMay, Curtis E. 63–67, 211, 214 f.
    Lemnitzer, Lyman L. 53, 57, 61 f., 214
    Liberto, Frank 236
    Liebeler, Wesley J. 187 f.
    Lincoln, Abraham 68
    Long, Russell 9
    Lopez, Gilberto 183
    Luce, Clare Boothe, und Henry R. 165
    Luciano, Charles »Lucky« (Salavatore Lucania) 22, 24–27, 32, 36, 192 f.
    Lumpkin, George L. 207
    Maas, Peter 36
    McArthur, Douglas 213 f.
    Machado y Morales, Gerardo 30
    MacMillan, Harold 108
    Mafia, korsische 27, 32, 182, 209 f.
    Maheu, Robert A. 60
    Mailer, Norman 130
    Mamantov, Ilya 206
    Marcello, Carlos 32, 140, 148, 191, 194, 196, 198, 201 f.
    Martello, Francis L. 134
    Mazur, Robert 151
    McCarthy, Joseph »Joe« 146, 215
    McClellan, Oliver Barr, und Scott 220
    McCollough, Marrell 237, 241
    McCone, John Axel 67, 130, 153 f.
    McCoy, Alfred 26
    McKinley, William 29 f.
    McKnight, Gerald 248
    McMillan, Priscilla Johnson 130, 237
    McNamara, Robert 61 ff., 65 f., 102, 112, 211
    McWillie, Lewis 198
    Melanson, Philip H. 136
    Mellen, Joan 134
    Mende, Erich 151
    Mercer, Julia Ann 195
    Meredith, James H. 101, 212
    Meyer, Cord 80 ff., 95 f., 172, 216, 218
    Meyer, Mary Pinchot 80, 82 ff., 86–97
    Miller, Murray »Dusty« 198
    Milteer, Joseph 183 f.
    Miró Cardona, José 74
    Mitchell, William L. (Deckname) 91 ff.
    MK ULTRA 232
    Mohrenschildt, Baron George de 137 f., 143 ff.
    Mohrenschildt, Dimitri von 137
    Monroe, Marilyn 42 f.
    Moore, J. Walton 137, 144
    Morales, David Sánchez 73, 216 ff.
    Mori, Cesare 23
    Morley, Jefferson »Jeff« 149, 198 f.
    Morrow, Robert D. 96 f.
    Mossad 147, 151 f., 200
    Moyland, Berkley 115 f., 118
    Muchmore, Marie M. 165
    Murchinson, Clint 137, 220
    Murret, Dutz 196
    Mussolini, Benito 22, 30, 146, 213
    Naftali, Timothy 253
    Nagell, Richard Case 217, 247
    Nagy, Ferenc 146
    National States Rights Party 183
    Naylor, R.T. 147
    Newman, John 77, 155, 158
    Nix, Orville O. 165
    Nixon, Richard 21, 33, 39 f., 44, 49 ff., 53, 193, 220, 254
    Noguchi, Thomas 227
    Noland, Kenneth »Ken« 88
    NPIC (National Photographic Interpretation Center) 166
    NSC (National Security Council) 19 f.
    O’Blazney, Mark 93
    O’Connor, Paul 210
    O’Donnell, Kenneth »Kenny« 64, 89 f.
    O’Reilly, William »Bill« 250
    Ochsner, Alton 138, 175–180
    Offie, Carmel 17
    ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) 26, 135, 206
    OPC (Office of Policy Coordination) 18, 28
    OSS (Operational Strategic Service) 16, 18 f., 137, 146, 152
    Ossietzky, Carl von 219
    Oster, Joseph 214
    Oswald, Marguerite 133
    Oswald, Marina 132, 135, 136 f., 206 f., 212
    Paine, Ruth Hyde 125, 212
    Palamara, Vincent 186
    Patrick, Leonard »Lenny« 198
    Patton, George S. 22
    Pawley, William D. 74 f.
    Pease, Lisa 85, 231
    Pecora, Nofio 198
    Pepper, William 233, 239
    Permindex 145 ff., 150, 152, 200
    Phillips, David Atlee (»Maurice Bishop«) 73, 139, 214, 216, 218
    Piper, Eddie 120
    Piper, Michael C. 147, 200
    Portuondo, Emilio N. 213 f.
    Posner, Gerald 167, 171, 221, 237
    Power, Thomas S. 66
    Prouty, Fletcher L. 57, 92
    Pruszynski, Stanislaw 228, 233
    Pulitzer, Joseph 29
    Raskin, Marcus 111
    Raven, Gail 198
    Ray, James Earl 235–239, 242
    Reagan, Ronald 252
    Reich, Wilhelm 83
    Reid, R. A. 120
    Reily, William 138
    Reinfeld, Joe (Joseph) 37
    Remington, Frederic Sackrider 29
    Rhodes-Hughes, Nina 228, 233
    Roberts, Emory P. 185
    Rometsch, Ellen »Elly« 44
    Roosevelt, Franklin D. 36 ff., 76, 109
    Roosevelt, Theodore 30
    Roselli, John »Handsome Johnny« (Filippo Sacco) 32, 60, 202, 227
    Rosenbaum, Tibor 146 f., 151
    Rostow, Walt W. 53
    Roundtree, Dovey J. 91
    Rowley, James Joseph 115, 185
    Ruby, Jack Leon 11, 191–198, 247
    Ruppert, Michael C. »Mike« 231
    Russell, Dick 206, 213, 217
    Santayana, George 254
    Sarti, Lucien 210
    Schacht, Hjalmar 146
    Scheflin, Alan 233
    Schlesinger, Arthur M. 54, 58, 66, 104
    Schrade, Paul 226
    Schulman, Don 231
    SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) 241
    Scott King, Coretta 239
    Scott, Michael 157
    Scott, Peter Dale 150, 154, 207, 213
    Scott, Winston 157
    Seal, Berriman »Barry« 131 f., 150
    SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) 36
    Shaw, Clay 11, 143, 145 ff., 150, 152, 158, 178 f., 200, 216
    Shelley, William H. »Bill« 120
    Sherman, Mary 176, 179
    Siegel, Bugsy (Benjamin Siegelbaum) 24 f., 27
    Sinatra, Frank 232
    Sirhan Sirhan 226–235, 239, 242
    Smith, Earl Edward Tailer 32
    Smith, James H. »Jimmy« 92
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