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Ghostly Touch

Ghostly Touch

Titel: Ghostly Touch
Autoren: Jennifer Smith
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                  Zula nodded and watched the pair as they left the room. Zula looked around. None of her furnishings were in the room, and there were no electric lights, only kerosene lamps and where the gas stove should’ve been was a real fireplace. Zula didn’t remember there ever being a fireplace in this house. Since she was a child the place had been heated with gas stoves in every room. What was going on?
                  “There now,” Grandma Zula said as she came back into the room. “We have much to talk about dear. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to stay.”
                  “What is going on? How can you be here at all?”
                  “I’m your great-grandmother, Zula. Look at us, we are identical twins. Not only did I pass on my features to you, I have passed on my magic. You are so strong I can fairly feel it vibrating from your skin.”
                  Zula took a deep breath and blew it out slowly, trying to slow her racing mind. “I can accept the fact that you’re here. I’ve always felt you close by all of my life, but who was that man? He’s not my great-grandfather and he looks so much like…” her voice trailed off.
                  “That is what we need to speak about. His name is Connor Devlin and he’s the only man I ever truly loved. He was a wild one and I was so young when we met. My father wouldn’t allow me to see him because he was much older, and had a reputation. In those days, reputation was everything, but I didn’t care. I fell madly in love with him and wanted to be with him.”
                  “Don’t tell me that my grandmother was his child because I’m afraid of what that might mean.”
                  “What are you afraid of, dear?”
                  “If he’s Connor’s great-grandfather, the Connor I met today, then it would mean he and I are related.”
                  “No, no. Listen to me, Zula. Your grandmother was not his child, although I would have given anything to have his child, but alas, it wasn’t to be. None of it was to be. I knew him for such a short time and we had a passionate affair. Then one night, I snuck out of the house as I had many times before to be with him and I met him at our spot. I expected him to take me to his home as he had on other nights, but he didn’t.”
                  Zula gently squeezed the other woman’s hand, as her great-grandmother dabbed at her eyes with a lace kerchief.  “What happened that night?”
                  “He took me in his arms and held me, and then he kissed me and my knees nearly buckled. I was ready to lift my skirts right there, but he pulled away. He looked into my eyes and held my chin with his fingers and told me to go home. Just like that. Go home.
                  “I asked him why and he just shook his head. His eyes were so dark, I couldn’t see them but I could see the single tear that rolled down his cheek. I begged him for an explanation, but he just shook his head sadly and sent me away. Then he got on his horse and rode away. I never saw him again.”
                  “Oh, grandmother, I’m so sorry.”
                  “A week later, my father had me engaged to your great-grandfather, Edmond Price, and by Christmas, we were married. I never knew what happened to Connor, and there was no one I could ask either. My mother only pursed her lips when I asked about him, and she told me not to give it another thought. I didn’t dare ask Papa. It was then that I begin to take walks to go visit Bella. She lived on the outskirts of town and everyone whispered she was a witch. I became friends with her and soon, I was her student.
                  “She told me I had strong, natural powers and only needed to learn how to channel them. I was a good student and learned well. What I never learned was what happened to Connor. Not until afterward, anyway.”
                  “You know the story well enough. After your mother was born, my husband became gravely ill with a disease the doctor in town had never seen before. Everyone knew I had become friends with Bella and they accused me of causing him harm. It was ridiculous. I didn’t love Edmond, but he was a good man and treated me well. I wished
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