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Ghostly Touch

Ghostly Touch

Titel: Ghostly Touch
Autoren: Jennifer Smith
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Connor shouted, still fighting against the hold a group of men had on him.
                  “I can’t tell you right now,” Zula sputtered. “I don’t know anything.”
                  Finally, they were thrown into a jail cell together and the door was locked. “Here, let me try to get the ropes off of you.” Conner pulled on the ropes and finally was able to untie Zula. Then she began working on his until she managed to remove the ropes around his hands and feet.
                  “I’m so sorry,” she told him. As hard as she tried, she couldn’t hold back the tears.
                  “It’ll be all right,” Connor said, pulling her close and holding her. “I don’t understand any of this. I was home in bed and started feeling sick and then I wound up here. I don’t understand what’s going on.”
                  Zula sniffled and finally stopped crying enough to wipe her face on one sleeve. She looked up at him and took a deep breath, and blew it out. “You know my great-grandmother was a witch and suffered greatly at the hands of the villagers in her day. She told me to be careful and I didn’t listen, and now, for some reason, I’ve been pulled back in time in her place.
                  “She was the only one to survive being drowned, hanged, and burned at the stake. Now that you’ve rescued me from drowning, I’ll be hanged and burned at the stake unless we find some way to get back home.”
                  “I hope you’ll understand if I think this is all bull.”
                  “Then you explain how you’re here in a time not your own, with a woman who was being drowned for the crime of witchcraft?”
                  Connor looked away from her and perused his surroundings for a few moments. “I, uh,” he cleared his throat. “I can’t.”
                  “Me either. I didn’t know time travel was part and parcel of what was handed down to me from grandma Zula. Have you, uh, this is going to sound off the wall, but have you had any dreams with me in them that seem rather, well, too real?”
                  Connor looked at her for a moment and then grinned. “Yes, actually, I have.”
                  “Really fantastic sex dreams?”
                  Connor laughed out loud. “Yes. Really incredible sex dreams. Nothing like I’ve ever done in real life.”
                  “Me too. And I think that we are connected at the soul level and always have been. We belong to one another in this lifetime and in every other lifetime.”
                  “I don’t believe in that soul mate type thing.”
                  “Really? How’s your belief in time travel?”
                  “You got me there.” He picked up a small stick and made little drawings in the dirt floor. “Do you know how we can get out of this before you wind up on fire?”
                  “I don’t know.” Zula wiped her face again. “This is all new to me as much as it is to you.”
                  “Hey,” Connor cupped her face with one hand. “Don’t look so sad, we’ll figure something out.” He looked deeply into her eyes, then licked his lips as he bent in and rushed his lips over hers. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest so her breasts crushed against him. He took the kiss deeper, until he felt her body give in to his, then he pulled back slowly, carefully, and looked into her eyes.
                  “This feels familiar,” he said softly, and then kissed her again.
                  “It does to me too,” she said with a smile and kissed him back. “Don’t stop now.”
                  He held her and kissed her like he’d never kissed another woman before. And maybe he hadn’t. Maybe they were soul mates and she’d been his and he had been hers through every lifetime. Maybe that’s why he had the dream of her, he knew her that well in every lifetime, making love to her was easy.
                  “One question.” Zula pulled back and looked into his eyes. “Why did you never try to kiss me or sleep with me after all those dates?”
                  “I wanted to, I just didn’t want to jump into anything too fast and ruin it. I know that hot fires burn out quick
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