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Ghostly Touch

Ghostly Touch

Titel: Ghostly Touch
Autoren: Jennifer Smith
Vom Netzwerk:
and I knew the first time I ever saw you that it would definitely be a hot fire. I was hoping to get to know you a little better before we began having sex.”
                  “Good answer.” Zula laughed and wrapped her eyes around him while her lips came to meet his. The world began to tilt and swirl around them, and then it was suddenly very quiet and they landed with a thud. Opening their eyes, they were in Zula’s house, with Thad rubbing against them.
                  “We’re home!” Zula said.
                  “Yes. Yes, we are,” Connor said. “Now, take me upstairs to your room so you can show me you did in those dreams.”
                  Zula laughed and gathered up her skirts. “I guess you’ll just have to catch me.” She leaped to her feet and headed upstairs with Connor right behind her.
                  Thad meowed loudly. “Oh come one, you silly cat. Let me find a can of tuna for you while my granddaughter and her man hammer out a few details.”
    ~ End ~
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