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Gaits of Heaven

Gaits of Heaven

Titel: Gaits of Heaven
Autoren: Susan Conant
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    A Berkley Prime Crime Book / published by arrangement with the author
    Berkley Prime Crime hardcover edition / November 2006
    Berkley Prime Crime mass-market edition / November 2007
    Copyright © 2006 by Susan Conant.
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In loving memory of my own Rowdy,
    Frostfield Perfect Crime, CD, CGC, ThD, WPD
    (November 29, 1993—November 29,2004),
    my perfect girl.

    I am grateful to Phyllis Hamilton for allowing me to write about her majestic Monty, Alaskan malamute Ch. Benchmark Captain Montague, ROM, a legend in the breed.
    For answering my questions, I am grateful to James Dalsimer, M.D., and Michael Glenn, M.D. Special thanks to Carter Umbarger, Ph.D., for discussing hypothetical cases with me. Any errors are mine alone. Roseann Mandell, please accept my thanks for your help with the manuscript. Profuse thanks, too, to Jean Berman, Lynn Madar, Pat Sullivan, Margherita Walker, Anya Wittenborg, Suzanne Wyme-lenberg, and Corinne Zipps.
    For companionship and inspiration, my thanks to Jazzland’s Got That Swing, my beloved Django.

    The first step in recovery is to admit that you are powerless—your life has become unmanageable. Second, you need to believe in a power greater than yourself that can restore you to sanity. When I first met Ted and Eumie Green, they were indeed powerless. Their dog, Dolfo, hadn’t exactly become unmanageable; he had never been otherwise. As to restoration to sanity, I, Holly Winter, intended to become the Higher Power: I wanted to rid poor Dolfo and his owners of their multitudinous defects and shortcomings, thus inducing in all three a spiritual awakening that would free the dog from his seemingly incurable addiction to canine bad citizenship and simultaneously cause Ted and Eumie forever after to practice the principles of responsible ownership.
    Having mentioned sanity,
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