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Devils Roses 05 - Death

Devils Roses 05 - Death

Titel: Devils Roses 05 - Death
Autoren: Tara Brown
Vom Netzwerk:
    The door at the end of the corridor is black and thick. When I touch it my hand sparkles. I turn the knob but it doesn’t budge. Down the hall Oliver and Marcus are fighting and suddenly they're gone. Oliver has flashed him away.
    My stomach stops feeling like it's sunk into my bowels.
    The moan is muffled.
    I kick the door but nothing. I stand back and roll my shoulders. A wind starts to pick up in the hallway. I point my fingers and a blast of lightning hits the door. It ricochets off and shoots down the hall. It hits a painting of a house and starts a small fire.
    I giggle nervously. He's going to kill me when he gets back.
    I shoot a bolt of frost down the hall and freeze the flames.
    The cold of the frost lingers on my fingertips. I brush them against the door and it freezes solid. White frost covers the door in an intricate frozen design.
    I stand back and fire another bolt of lightning. The door shatters into a million black sparkly pieces. I cover my mouth and close my eyes and step through the black dust with my other hand out.
    The room is padded and creepy. A single light shines down from above. Hanna is tied to the wall. She is wearing only a long shirt and the shackles holding her arms and legs to the wall.
    "What a pervert," I mutter and walk to her. She is moaning and having trouble keeping her eyes open.
    I know she has turned him down everyday since he came back from the dead, but damn. Her bracelet is gone. I notice it because of the instant contempt I feel for her.
    I plant my feet and take her hand in mine. Her skin is burning. I close my eyes and envision it the way Lydia taught me to. The field of flowers and the shore of shells meet in my mind and start weaving. The flowers are the base of the bracelet and the shells are the bling. My mind weaves and as I think it, I feel it form on her wrist. As the white shells hit her skin I can feel the energy blasting off them.
    She sighs and I can feel the struggle inside of her ending.
    My hate for her dissipates with her fever. I am exhausted. I still haven’t learned to replace the energy I use.
    Her eyes open and she smiles weakly, "Thanks. You make them so fast now."
    I nod and snap my fingers at the lock of each shackle.
    She raises an eyebrow, "You're getting better at this."
    "Yeah. I've been practicing a lot. I only have a few days until I'm supposed to kill her and him." I don’t say their names. It burns inside of me. We need a solution and I don’t know how to fix it.
    "Henry." Her lips tremble.
    I look back at the man standing in the doorway. He is solid and wearing a bowler hat, which is weird. He nods and walks into the room. I know him. Somehow my body knows him. I put a hand out and he takes it. He squeezes my fingers and we speak without words.
    ‘You're in danger. If you must take her then you should go now. Go and don’t come back here. Dark things can come to this castle, Ophelia. Dark things that can corrupt your magic. Lydia's is the best place for you.’ His soft words whisper through my mind.
    I frown. ‘Oliver told me Marcus's house was guarded.’
    He shakes his head. 'It can't keep them all out.' His words whisper into my mind and I shiver from the tickle of them.
    I nod and turn back to her. She collapses in my arms. I lift her arm over my shoulders and together we walk past him.
    He grins at Hanna. I know he can't help himself. None of them can.
    "Don’t tell anyone okay." She mutters.
    I look at her and nod. I don't understand why she would keep the secret that Marcus has been holding her hostage and torturing her.
    I take her to the front door and put her in the car parked out front.
    "Where to?"
    She licks her lips and seems to be struggling with sitting down. "Roland's."
    I close the door and get in the driver seat.
    I'm going to kill Marcus.
    She starts to fall asleep as soon as I start the car. I should be driving the stupid car Oliver gave me. I blush when I think about him. I shake my head and drive to Roland's. The stolen car from Marcus's feels more my speed. I don’t like the fact Oliver got me a car. It feels weird that he's so rich and old.
    The huge Tudor mansion is the coolest house I've ever seen. It's beautiful.
    Roland is standing in the doorway when I arrive. He looks stoic, as far as I can tell he always looks like that.
    He opens the car door. "Miss Hanna, are you alright?"
    She nods and winces as he pulls her from the car. He holds her tight.
    He looks at me and I shake my
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