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Devils Roses 05 - Death

Devils Roses 05 - Death

Titel: Devils Roses 05 - Death
Autoren: Tara Brown
Vom Netzwerk:
    Instead I turn and jump onto the handrail of the stairs next to me. I climb the fire escape as fast as I can. I can't wink. I'm feeling sick and I can't possibly scare him like that.
    I can still smell his fear but it has switched, it's a different kind of fear. It's emotional. I would know that smell anywhere.
    The damp night air fills with his screams. I feel tears rolling down my cheeks as I try to block his desperate screams that consist of one word, my name.
    I sit on the roof and rock back and forth and all I hear is, "AIMEE!"

Chapter One

    I put my hand up to the old door and take a breath.
    "Just come in, you pain in the arse."
    I smile and open the door. His black eyes are mocking me. I can see it all over his face.
    "I need your help," I mutter and close the door to his house.
    He smirks and crosses his arms. His sarcastic shit-eating grin pisses me off, but it doesn’t change things. I need him.
    Dorian strolls across the hardwood floor silently in his sock feet and leans against the marble counter. "Tell me everything, love." His tight dark jeans and tucked in pale blue shirt make him look more European. The worn brown leather jacket slung over the back of the chair next to him is his attempt at badass American. I would roll my eyes at him but I can't. I need him.
    He smiles and my sex drive kicks into gear. His affect on me is beyond annoying.
    "Do you need me to help in anything that would require me taking my shirt off? Or yours?"
    I shiver and fight my rage. "I could kill you Dorian."
    He holds his hands up. "It's why I've maintained my efforts to get into your pants. I think it would be quite the ride."
    I scowl.
    He chuckles and his accent gets thicker, "My pet, you really are in a jam this time aren’t you? You've got some desperation, just, right there on your cheek." He brushes a finger against my face.
    I flinch away from him. "This was a mistake." I turn to leave but he grabs me and swings me into his embrace.
    He forces his lips on mine.
    My fingers tingle, but I push it back. I need him alive. I shove him, but his grip is intense. He drives his tongue into my mouth. The sweet and perverse taste of him makes my legs quiver. He lets me go and I swear I see stars for the smallest moment.
    "That is how you should be kissed," his words are a dark whisper, threatening me with more. My body wants to agree with him. I can't hate him, not the way I used to. I'm not even convinced I ever could.
    I cover my face and breathe. "If I ask you to do something and not tell Aleks will you?"
    He laughs. "That's all you have to say after a kiss like that?"
    I maintain my composure.
    He rolls his eyes and nods, "Go on then, although for the record I did just do something I won't tell Aleks about. Now if you want a favor, I want one too."
    I remove my hands and attempt a disgusted look. He flashes a grin and walks by me, nudging me. He grabs a bottle of wine from the huge rack and uncorks it slowly, as if he's debating.
    I wish I could hate him, most of the time. The rest of the time I have an inner conflict over why it is I want to rip his clothes off and lick his naked body.
    He smirks. "Are you thinking naughty thoughts about me?" I do love the way he says naughty.
    I growl, hoping anger will make my red face convincing, "Can you?"
    He nods and pours the whole bottle into a crystal carafe. He swirls it over and over. He's making me wait on purpose. He walks around to the cupboard and pulls out two large glasses. They're the size of crystal fish bowls. "Well go on with it. What is it?" His dark eyes sparkle. "Before I agree and all."
    "I've messed up. I need you to wipe Shane's memory, again."
    He laughs. It's bitter and sarcastic, like his soul. "Oh Aimee, you really have the most intense feelings for that boy? Don’t you?"
    I clench my jaw. My hands tingle.
    He glances at my hands and growls. "Keep it in your pants, love."
    I rub my hands on my jeans and take deep breaths. "It isn’t whether I love him or not. It's who's right for me and who I won't kill."
    He pours me a glass of wine and hands it to me. "If he wasn't human, who would you pick?"
    I suck in my breath and shake my head. "Not playing that game Dorian. I made my choice. I don’t regret it. I love Aleks." My eyes are welling and my hands tremble when I tilt the glass back. I drink the room temperature spiced wine in gulps. I wipe my mouth and bite my lip to stop myself from saying anything else.
    "Do you ever wonder how much of your
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