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Cut and Run 5 - Armed and Dangerous

Cut and Run 5 - Armed and Dangerous

Titel: Cut and Run 5 - Armed and Dangerous
Autoren: Abigail Madeleine u Roux Urban
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swiped the screen to answer the call, interrupting the ringtone. “Ga-Garrett.”
    The smooth voice struck Zane hard enough that he fell back onto one elbow, struggling to swallow the butterflies. He was too caught up in the dream. He wasn’t sure he was awake at all.
    “Ty?” he said after too long a pause. It sounded plaintive. He rubbed his hand over his face.
    “You sound horrible. Are you okay?”
    Zane shook his head, and his gaze fell on the shaft of moonlight that painted the wall across the room. He tried to focus his eyes on it. It was just enough to provide a soft blue glow in the room. He wiped a hand across his forehead. It came away damp. “I… where the fuck have you been?”
    “Calm down and I’ll tell you.”
    Zane growled. He leaned over and groped for the almost empty bottle of water on the nightstand. It was tepid, but he took a few swallows anyway. “Calm down, my ass. Where are you?”
    “Well,” Ty said, the word drawn out. Zane recognized the tone of voice Ty used when he was trying to figure out how to explain something that didn’t happen to normal people. “I’ve been told I’m in Tennessee. Or Kentucky. It wasn’t really clear. That’s not why I called.”
    “Are you in one piece?” Zane asked. He curled his free hand into the sheet.
    “So far. But listen, Zane, I don’t have much time. I got a call from Burns.”
    Zane shivered and shifted back to lean against the headboard. That meant Ty wasn’t coming home any time soon, Zane was sure of it. When he spoke, his voice was dark and just barely controlled. “I’m listening.”
    Ty was silent for a moment. “I miss you,” he said. He sounded wrecked, which didn’t help Zane feel any better. “But I have to go dark. He didn’t give me a choice this time.”
    It was on the tip of Zane’s tongue to demand an explanation, but the regret in Ty’s voice stopped him. With anyone else, this conversation would have been ludicrous. Zane rubbed at his eyes. He’d only gone to bed a couple of hours ago, and far earlier in the evening than normal. Ty wouldn’t have expected to wake him.
    “You scared the hell out of me, Ty.”
    “I know,” Ty said, and though he sounded sympathetic, he didn’t necessarily sound contrite. “But I had to go. I don’t….”
    Zane had known Ty wasn’t himself after their two weeks of hell. Zane had known, and he’d hoped to have the chance to help once they’d both caught their breath. But Ty’s midnight exit had upset that plan. Frustration and anger swamped Zane again, drowning his brief feeling of relief. “Do you know what I thought when I woke up without you?”
    “Hopefully that you couldn’t wait to see me again? I left you a note,” Ty said, voice hopeful.
    “Yeah, and you know what? It didn’t help!” Zane said, giving up on trying to be understanding. “That’s not something you want to find when you wake up to what’s supposed to be the first day of the rest of your life!”
    “The what, now?”
    Zane groaned, turned sideways, and flopped down onto his side. He pulled a pillow over his head and then talked anyway. His words came out muffled and stilted. “Beaumont. Tyler. Grady.”
    “Wait, whoa, full names? What the hell, Garrett?”
    “I told you I loved you, and the next day you were gone.”
    Ty was silent, but Zane could hear him breathing. When he finally spoke, his voice was low and hoarse. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think of that.”
    “Did you think at all?”
    “I love you, Zane. I do, and you know it. And when I get home, we’re going to sit down and talk this out. I promise.”
    “I told you I loved you.”
    “And I appreciated that.”
    Zane pulled the pillow away and rolled onto his back to stare up through the dark at the ceiling. “I told you twice.”
    “What the hell does Burns want now? You’re supposed to be on wellness leave.”
    Ty didn’t answer for a long time, long enough that Zane checked the display on his phone to make sure the call was still connected. Then he heard Ty huff. “God, I love it when you’re cranky like this. Promise to still be pissed when I get home, okay?”
    “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”
    Ty laughed affectionately, and Zane’s body responded to the sound despite the anger still washing over him. Zane grunted. There was no denying that his exasperating lover would be able to charm his way out of this. Damn him. But Zane
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