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Cut and Run 5 - Armed and Dangerous

Cut and Run 5 - Armed and Dangerous

Titel: Cut and Run 5 - Armed and Dangerous
Autoren: Abigail Madeleine u Roux Urban
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back as he watched Burns roll his eyes.
    “As entertaining as it might be to watch, I doubt that will happen,” Burns said.
    “Yeah, we also sort of doubted that agents of another federal organization would try to hunt us down and kill us,” Zane muttered.
    Ty glanced at him dubiously as if he disagreed, but he was smirking as he looked back at Burns.
    “Is there anything else?” Ty asked almost cheerfully.
    “No.” Burns waved a hand at them. “Go home. Relax. Come back to work Monday.”
    Zane blinked. “But it’s Wednesday.”
    “Shut up, Garrett,” Ty muttered as he stood and patted Zane on the shoulder. “Let’s go before he changes his mind.”
    Zane immediately got to his feet. “Thank you, Director.”
    “Get out of here,” Burns said with a melancholy smile.
    Ty hesitated as he looked down at Burns. “Dick. I… I’m sorry about Jonas. I know how close you were.”
    Burns nodded, pursing his lips. “He was a spook. And no matter how good your intentions, spooks always end up transparent in the end.” Zane glanced at Ty, uneasy. “When you get home, dump your second phone.”
    “Sir?” Ty said, obviously too surprised to voice anything else.
    “Get rid of it, Ty. I won’t be calling it again.”
    Ty nodded, still looking shocked and just a little hurt by the words. Zane almost reached out to put a hand on his shoulder but stopped himself.
    “You’ve given enough. There’s nothing more precious than trust, boys,” Burns said, voice somber. “You’ve got it. Don’t do something stupid and lose it, huh?”
    “Yes, sir,” they both murmured before heading for the door.
    They were almost to the elevator before Ty turned to look at Zane appraisingly. “Trust.”
    Zane cut his eyes to look at him. “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”
    Ty hummed, a sound similar to the one he made in bed. Zane’s body noticed. “Long weekend,” he said instead of commenting on trust again. “It’s dangerously close to the ‘vacation’ word.”
    “And yet, you still said it.” Zane slid his hands into his pockets as they walked.
    “I like to live on the edge.” Ty reached out and punched the button, then turned to lean his shoulder against the wall next to the elevator doors. He watched Zane.
    Zane stifled the urge to shuffle his feet and simply returned Ty’s look with a raised eyebrow. Ty didn’t speak as he met Zane’s eyes. The elevator doors opened up, and he nodded for Zane to step in. Zane let out a slow breath as he did, turning to lean back against the side wall as Ty joined him.
    As the elevator doors slid shut, Ty leaned against the mirrored back wall and sighed. “I’ve interrogated people who looked more relaxed than you.”
    Zane offered Ty a wry smile. “I don’t want to have to hide. But… I don’t want to be sent to North Carolina either.” He felt a little more comfortable when he could look at Ty openly rather than constantly reminding himself not to watch his lover’s every move. That was tiring. Zane didn’t remember doing that to himself before.
    Ty nodded, swallowing hard. “We can still be together.” His manner was calm and soothing, but beneath the surface Zane could hear a hint of nervousness, so rare in his partner that he wasn’t sure he hadn’t imagined it.
    Now that Zane had the opportunity to say something, everything in his head sounded so… silly. He gave in to the nerves and rubbed the back of his neck. “You still want me to move in?” he asked, chancing a look at Ty.
    Ty pressed his lips together and nodded, glancing down at his feet. “We could have all your things moved by the weekend. We can pull it off. Don’t you think?” he asked as he looked back at Zane. “Say you’re renting a room from me or something.”
    Zane tilted his head to one side as their eyes met again. “I think I could pull anything off if it meant waking up with you every morning,” he said, his voice barely audible.
    Ty nodded, not looking away from Zane. “Well,” he started, a smile forming as his hazel eyes warmed. “Why don’t we start with tonight, and we’ll go from there.”
    The relief made Zane laugh, and he nodded. How the hell did Ty make everything seem so simple? “I’d like that.”
    Ty chuckled, the sound low and warm and familiar. “Life is hard and confusing, Zane. Love doesn’t have to be.”
    Zane raised both brows in mild surprise as the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. His instinctive response
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