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Cut and Run 5 - Armed and Dangerous

Cut and Run 5 - Armed and Dangerous

Titel: Cut and Run 5 - Armed and Dangerous
Autoren: Abigail Madeleine u Roux Urban
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are being cleaned. People are losing their lives.”
    “Jesus, Randy.”
    “I need some help, and you’re the only one I trust right now.”
    Burns realized he was staring, and he nodded curtly. He knew this man, had known him for the better part of forty years, and he knew if Jonas said it, it was the truth. Even if he was a damn spook. “What do you need?”
    “I need a contact brought in.”
    “A contact?”
    “From what details I was able to pull together before I ran, there’s just one guy still alive who has the information needed to point to the bastard in charge of all this. They tried to clean him a year ago, but he got away.” Jonas shook his head. “They’ve been eliminating agents, Dick. Agent and handler teams going down or disappearing—for a couple of years now. Slowly, almost randomly, and I can’t say I would have caught on without coming across that file and getting suspicious.”
    Jonas nodded as he sat up and then leaned back, looking truly miserable. “I’ve worked my ass off for the Company, Dick. I’m not going to let it go down this way. There’s a cell inside, one that’s not sanctioned and not supervised. I’m not sure how high it goes, other than too high if they’re gunning for me.”
    “Do you have the stats on this contact? The one with the information?”
    “Sort of. He went dark over a year ago. I’ve been in touch with his former handler.”
    “Okay. We’ll get him pegged down and then I’ll send an agent after him. We’ll bring this to someone we can trust.”
    “You can’t dispatch FBI resources, Dick. They’ll be monitoring everything.”
    Burns raised an eyebrow at the paranoia, but that was a spook for you.
    “Look, Richard, I don’t know much about your operations, other than the CIA uses you and whatever assets you’ve cultivated over here for certain jobs. I know you’ve got the means to do this off the board.”
    Burns pursed his lips and scratched at his nose, trying to hide the discomfort. “I might know someone. I’ll mobilize him. And until we can get this mystery asset of yours in, you’ll stay here. Even the CIA isn’t going to storm FBI headquarters to get to you. Who’s the contact?”
    “He’s a foreign national named Julian Cross. Records say he’d been taken out, but then he popped back up on the radar and rumor was he was still alive. When I talked to Blake Nichols, his former handler, he confirmed Cross is alive. For now. But he can’t get Cross to come in.” Jonas tapped his fingers on the arm of the couch, visibly agitated. “I have an address, and I can only hope this guy has the information I need. He’s the only one who could have it. All the others are dead.”
    “Julian Cross,” Burns muttered as he scratched at his chin. “Why does that name sound familiar?”
    Jonas shrugged.
    Burns stood and went to his desk, waking his computer to type in a search. It returned nothing. But he knew the name. He tapped in a code and then searched again. This time the computer searched through a cache of hidden files, and it popped up with one file.
    Burns snorted when he scanned the information contained in the file. Paris. Of course. He looked at Jonas. “Give me all the information you have. I’m putting my best man on it,” he said as he pulled a cell phone out of a locked drawer.
    “If Cross doesn’t know who was giving those kill orders, no one does. But I have a feeling he put everything together and he thinks it was the CIA trying to kill him. That’s why he went off the grid. He won’t be easy to bring in,” Jonas said as he walked over to the desk, pulling a folded piece of paper out of his pocket. “This is it. Name, contacts, addresses. And your man should know Cross is a high-level federal asset and wet works operative—considered armed and extremely dangerous. He’s… very capable”
    Burns nodded as he dialed, and he couldn’t help but smile. “They’ll get along famously.”

    I’m sorry. Walls are closing in and I need to go.
    Love you.

    Z ANE sat straight up in the bed, soaked in sweat, ears ringing as his lover’s name echoed off the walls. He had been dreaming, his mind taking him back to Ty’s living room and the dance they had shared. Ty’s name was still on his lips. He could still smell him and feel his arms around him as they swayed together. But that had been over a week ago.
    It seemed he could still hear the music.
    Zane shuddered and leaned over to grab up his cell phone. He
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