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Call It Destiny

Call It Destiny

Titel: Call It Destiny
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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right.“ She shook the contract in her hand, anxious to change the subject before he could probe too deeply. „Jake, about that clause you marked out. I think we should discuss it immediately and come to terms.“
    „What terms?“ he asked flatly. „I agreed to every other clause in the contract, including the one that stipulates that if the marriage is dissolved both of us will leave with only that which was our own property before the wedding. I agreed that anything bought by both of us during the term of the marriage would be split fifty-fifty at the time of a divorce. And I went along with the part that said anything bought independently during the marriage remained the private property of the party that made the purchase should the marriage be dissolved. Having agreed to all that, I can’t see you have any cause to complain just because I crossed out one small clause.“
    „A rather important small clause!“
    He glanced down at her. „You think a nice solid respectable man like me is going to throw himself on his bride on the wedding night and demand his rights? You think I’d rape you, Heather?“
    She flinched and turned her head. „Of course not.“
    „Then why do you need that clause about giving the marriage six months before deciding whether or not to take matters beyond the platonic level?“ he asked.
    „I wanted to give our relationship time to grow and develop. You and I barely know each other, Jake. On the few occasions when I’ve been back to visit my parents during the past couple of years, you and I have met and talked on only a very casual basis, and even those times were the result of my mother’s rather obvious matchmaking. If all goes according to schedule we’ll be married at the end of the month. Four weeks is hardly long enough to rebuild the relationship with my parents, let alone develop one with you. We need time before we carry this marriage beyond the business level and that clause was a way of assuring us both time. Knowing that there won’t be any pressure to consummate the marriage in the next six months will take a burden off both our shoulders.“
    „Thanks, but I think I can handle the strain of making love to my wife,“ he replied sardonically. „Granted, not every man could bear such a burden, but when duty calls….“
    „This is not a joking matter!“ she told him tartly.
    His mouth tightened. „I’m not joking, Heather. When you proposed to me last week I accepted on the assumption that the marriage would be a real one. As you took such pains to point out last night, you and I have a lot to offer each other. But I have no interest in contracting a purely business arrangement. I want a real marriage.“
    „Oh, it will be real, all right. My mother’s got a guest list with nearly two hundred names on it and my father has told every one of his golfing buddies that he’s going to have three different brands of champagne at the reception plus a full bar. My sisters called yesterday to say they’ve found the perfect gown and that my little nephew is going to be the ring bearer. Believe me, that sort of pomp and circumstance makes everything very real!“
    Jake stopped and put his hands on her shoulders, turning her to face him. Something softened in his expression. „You’re getting nervous, aren’t you?“
    „I am not nervous.“ She tried to twist out from under the strong grip of his fingers and found it impossible to move. In rigid annoyance she stood quite still and lifted her chin challengingly.
    „Are you sure you’re not starting to wonder just what you’ve gotten yourself into by coming back to Tucson to play the role of the returning prodigal daughter?“ Jake went on gently.
    „I’m not playing any role. I’m home, Jake, because this is where I want to be. This desert and those beautiful mountains are in my blood. They’ve always been a part of me. Just as my family is a part of me and just as the Hacienda Strand is a part of me. I had to leave at eighteen or all these things that are a part of me would have smothered me. I didn’t know which battles were worth waging and which simply weren’t important. I had to rebel against almost everything because I didn’t know which factors would control me and which I could control. I could not accept my father’s money then because I had to prove I could earn my own. I couldn’t accept Hacienda Strand then because I had to prove I deserved to be in charge of it. I couldn’t accept the
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