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Call It Destiny

Call It Destiny

Titel: Call It Destiny
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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    It would be an honest sort of marriage; a marriage based on shared goals and shared business interests; a marriage with the potential for friendship between the two parties involved; a comfortable marriage that would please the relatives.
    It was going to be a marriage of convenience.
    „I’ve brought along a draft of the prenuptial agreement. Take your time looking it over and after you’ve signed it, I’ll hand it over to the attorney. She’ll make certain we both have valid copies.“ Heather Strand sipped her perfectly chilled Napa Valley Chardonnay and smiled pleasantly across the gleaming white linen tablecloth at the man sitting opposite her. A hovering waiter, sensing that his presence was not needed at the moment, discreetly disappeared in the direction of the kitchen.
    A part of Heather’s lively brain absently noted and approved the waiter’s discretion. She appreciated well-trained staff. „If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to go over the details with you,“ Heather continued when her dinner partner said nothing. Jake Cavender seemed momentarily more interested in his scallop soufflé than in the business of their marriage.
    „I’m certain you’ll have everything in order,“ he murmured. „You seem to be a very well-organized woman.“
    Heather inclined her sleek head with its bronzed brown hair that curved with elegant neatness behind her ears. The heavy mass was well styled, cut with blunt precision to fall just even with the line of her jaw.
    „I try,“ she responded dryly, not quite certain how to take Cavender’s comments. She didn’t know him all that well yet, and there were occasions when she couldn’t be certain that he wasn’t subtly mocking her.
    „I understand from your father that you didn’t always.“
    „Try to be organized?“ Heather shrugged faintly. The movement caused the fabric of her narrow, raspberry-colored chemise to shift silkily. „No, I suppose I didn’t. It annoyed my father when I approached everything in an off-the-wall style,“ she confided cheerfully.
    „And annoying your father was a prime consideration?“ Jake poured himself a little more of the Chardon-nay, his cool gray eyes examining her composed face.
    „As I’m sure you know by now, my father and I did not get along well when I was in my teens. My mother’s theory is that my father and I were a little too much alike temperamentally. I’m afraid it was a classic case of youthful rebellion.“
    „Bordering on outright warfare, according to your younger sisters.“
    Heather’s eyes narrowed. This man’s easy familiarity with her family was disconcerting at times. There were moments when she thought he knew her relatives better than she did. But then she’d been living in California for the past several years with only occasional trips back to Tucson.
    „Don’t be concerned with my colorful past,“ Heather advised politely. „I assure you I’ve outgrown it.“
    „Have you?“
    Heather shot him a chilled glance. „Believe me, in my wild impetuous youth I would not have dreamed of getting involved in a business marriage!“
    Cavender smiled at her. Heather was getting accustomed to that smile with its faint twist of amused speculation. She didn’t quite understand it yet, but she was getting used to it. „Why have you come back to Tucson, Heather?“
    „You know the answer to that.“ Heather smiled briefly at the waiter as he appeared to remove the soufflé dishes. When the young man disappeared she met Jake Cavender’s eyes. „My father is retiring and I’m prepared to step into his shoes.“
    „You had an excellent career in the hotel business already carved out for yourself in San Francisco. What can your father’s hotel here in Tucson offer that can compete with what you had established in California?“
    „A chance to be in total control; make my own decisions without having to get them approved; implement some of my own ideas. San Francisco and San Diego were excellent training grounds, Jake. I learned a great deal. I’m ready now to assume the responsibilities of running Hacienda Strand.“
    „You could have returned to Tucson a few years ago and learned everything you needed to know by working at your father’s side.“
    „My father and I could never have worked side by side, especially not when I was younger.“ Heather’s mouth curved ruefully. „It was unfortunate for him that I was the only one in the family who really had an interest in
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