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Business English

Business English

Titel: Business English
Autoren: Gertrud Goudswaard
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a lot but I'm flying home on Sunday.
Thanks but I'm very busy this week.
    Reactions / Reaktionen
Oh, that's a pity, my family will be very diasappointed.
Oh, I see, well, perhaps some other time.
What a shame! Maybe next week?
Well, never mind. We'll find another date.
    At the restaurant / Im Restaurant
    In vielen Ländern finden Sie im Eingangsbereich des Restaurants ein Schild Please wait to be seated! Dies ist ein Hinweis darauf, dass Ihnen der Kellner einen Tisch zuweist und Sie sich nicht selbst den Platz wählen. Gefällt Ihnen der Tisch nicht, fragen Sie einfach nach einem anderen: Could we have that table over there at the window, please?
    Die Speisenauswahl ist in einem fremden Land oft nicht ganz leicht. Wenn Sie unsicher sind, verlassen Sie sich auf die Empfehlung Ihres Gastgebers oder des Kellners: I could recommend you the veal cutlet (Kalbsschnitzel) which comes with baked potatoes and seasonal vegetable.
    Waiter: Good evening!
    Mr Chester: Good evening. We'd like a table for two, please.
    Waiter: Smoking or non-smoking?
    Mr Chester: Non-smoking, please.
    Waiter: Just follow me, please. – Here we are.
    Mr Chester: Could we have a table at the window so that we can enjoy the wonderful view?
    Waiter: I'm afraid they have all been reserved.
    Mr Chester: Well, never mind this one is fine too.
    Waiter: Have you made a choice yet?
    Mr Horst: No, not yet. I'm having some problems with the menu. Could you tell me what veal is?
    Waiter: Let me see, how do I explain. It's the meat of a baby cow.
    Mr Horst: OK, I understand, thanks. Well, Mr Chester you've been here before. What would you recommend?
    Mr Chester: The steak is very good here.
    Mr Horst: OK, I'll have the steak with a salad and French fries (AmE)/chips(BE).
    Waiter: Are you sure you don't want a starter?
    Mr Horst: Yes, I'm sure. A main course will do for me and, of course, a dessert afterwards.
    Waiter: Right Sir, and how would you like your steak? Rare, medium or well done?
Useful phrases
    The table / Der Tisch
Could we have a table for four, please?
I'd like to book a table for two on Tuesday at around 8 o'clock.
I reserved a table at seven in the name of Chester.
Could we have a different table, this one is …
    The menu / Die Speisekarte
Excuse me, could I have the menu / the wine list?
What kind of meat do you serve? – We have beef, pork chops, lamb, veal and venison.
Do you have any vegetarian dishes?
I feel like having fish.
The fish of the day is salmon which comes with an orange sauce.
How is the sole done / made? – You can have it grilled, baked or poached.
All our main dishes are served with a green salad or the vegetables of your choice, french fries or a jacked potatoe.
    Ordering / Bestellen
Are you ready to order now?
I'm sorry, but I haven't decided yet. Could you come back a little later, please?
What can you recommend?
What's today's special?
Excuse me, could I order now, please?
OK, I'll have / take the soup as a starter.
As a main course I'd like / I'll have …
Could we have some coffee with our dessert, please?
Could I have some more wine, please?
We'd like another bottle of water, please.
Could I have a spoon, knife, fork?
    Small talk / Leichte Konversation
    Während des Essens oder bei einem Drink in der Kneipe wird meist nicht über geschäftliche Themen gesprochen. Hier schlägt die Stunde des small talk oder socializing, der in einer Fremdsprache besonders schwer fällt, da er sprachlich weit über den fachlichen Jargon hinausgeht. Andererseits kann man sich durch diese Art von Konversation menschlich ein Stück näher kommen und damit das Geschäftsklima positiv beeinflussen. Beliebte Themen sind dabei das Essen (the food), das Wetter (the weather), der Sport (sports), die Familie (the family) und Informationen über das Land (country). Überlassen Sie es am besten dem Gastgeber, ob noch einmal berufliche Themen zur Sprache kommen oder nicht.
    Mr Chester: So, how is your steak? Was it a good choice?
    Mr Horst: Oh yes, it's delicious and I love that salad dressing. How's your chicken?
    Mr Chester: Well, it's a little bit salty to tell you the truth. It makes me rather thirsty. Another drop of wine?
    Mr Horst: No thanks, I've had enough.
    Mr Chester: So what do you think of Chicago? Is it very different from Stuttgart? I guess it's a little bit colder over here, isn't it?
    Mr Horst: It's very different indeed. Chicago is a lot bigger with these enormous skyscrapers and huge buildings. I like the
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