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Agatha Raisin and the Love from Hell

Agatha Raisin and the Love from Hell

Titel: Agatha Raisin and the Love from Hell
Autoren: MC Beaton
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neighbours for herself.
    Charles phoned several times, but Agatha told him to stay away until James had gone.
    And then, just when it seemed as if this happy, dreamlike existence would go on forever, the day of James’s departure was upon them.
    He packed a few things into his car, which he had reclaimed from the police station. He gave Agatha a warm hug and climbed into the car. ‘Don’t forget visiting days,’ he called.
    He drove off along Lilac Lane, turned the corner, and was gone.
    Agatha walked briskly back to her cottage. She felt happy and well. She picked up the phone and dialled.
    ‘Charles. Is that you? Remember you promised me dinner at the Lygon?’
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