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Wiliam Monk 01 - The Face of a Stranger

Wiliam Monk 01 - The Face of a Stranger

Titel: Wiliam Monk 01 - The Face of a Stranger
Autoren: Anne Perry
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became public, and the name of Grey was a byword for a man who cheats the families of his dead comrades-in-arms, a more subtle and painful version of those who crawl over the battlefield the morning after and rob the corpses of the fallen."
    Callandra walked over to him and put her hand on his arm.
    "We will get the best legal defense available," she said very quietly. "You had a great deal of provocation. I think they will not find murder."
    "We will not." Fabia's voice was a mere crackle, almost a sob, and she looked at Menard with terrible hatred.
    "I will," Callandra corrected. "I have quite sufficient means." She turned back to Menard again. "I will not leave you alone, my dear. I imagine you will have to go with Mr. Monk now—but I will do all that is necessary, I promise you."
    Menard held her hand for a moment; something crossed his lips that was almost a smile. Then he turned to Monk.
    "I am ready."
    Evan was standing by the door with the manacles in his pocket. Monk shook his head, and Menard walked out slowly between them. The last thing Monk heard was Hester's voice as she stood next to Callandra.
    "I will testify for him. When the jury hears what Joscelin did to my family, they may understand—"
    Monk caught Evan's eye and felt a lift of hope. If Hester Latterly fought for Menard, the battle could not easily be lost. His hand held Menard's arm—but gently.
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