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What Hides Inside: Bay City Paranormal Investigations, Book 2

What Hides Inside: Bay City Paranormal Investigations, Book 2

Titel: What Hides Inside: Bay City Paranormal Investigations, Book 2
Autoren: Ally Blue
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growing cooler as they descended, the air became close and hot. By the time they reached the bottom of the stairs, Sam’s shirt clung damply to his back and sweat dewed his face. He wiped his forehead on his sleeve.
“Good grief, it’s hotter than f…um, heck down here.” David wrinkled his nose. “Smells too.”
“Yes, it’s rather damp.” Mr. Innes flipped a switch on the wall. A row of dim yellow light bulbs flickered to life, illuminating a cramped hallway stretching out left and right from the stairs. “There seems to be a mildew problem as well.”
“Wow, it’s even warmer down here than I’d remembered.” Frowning, Dean wandered a few feet down the hallway. “And it’s awfully clean.”
Cecile shot him a surprised look. “You’ve got to be kidding.”
“No, I’m serious.” Dean reached up and ran a fingertip across the ceiling. “When I used to come down here, there were spider webs everywhere, and roaches and stuff. Plus it was dusty. There’s none of that now.”
Like Oleander House. No birds, no crickets… Apprehension shivered up Sam’s spine. He glanced at Andre, and saw that he had made the same connection. Sam hoped they were both wrong.
Andre ran a hand over his close-cropped hair, which brushed against the stone ceiling. “Mr. Innes, how far do these tunnels go?”
“The main tunnel runs the length of this building. There are—or rather, were—two side tunnels, one branching off from each end of the main tunnel.”
“What do you mean, ‘were’?” Bo asked. “What happened to them?”
“As I understand it, they both underwent partial collapse just before the tunnels were sealed in 1977.” Mr. Innes started down the hallway to their right, motioning the others to follow. “The city had particularly heavy rains that spring, and the walls of the side tunnels weren’t reinforced with stone like those of the main tunnel. The saturated ground caused a large portion of the side tunnel walls and ceiling to collapse. The entrances were filled in and bricked over.”
“I see.” Bo swung around in a slow circle, nodding to himself. “Okay, let’s do this. David and Dean, head down to the left, check out the lighting and general condition of the corridor and look for the best places to put cameras if we need to do that. Sam and Cecile, y’all do the same down the right side. Andre, you and I will go back to the office so Mr. Innes can fill out the paperwork. When the rest of you get done, come on back up and we’ll unload the equipment and get started.”
“Got it.” David nudged Dean’s ankle with a grungy sneaker. “C’mon, Apprentice O’ Mine, let’s do this. You tell me what you think as we go, and I’ll tell you if you’re right or not.”
“Sounds delightful.” Grinning, Dean brushed past Sam a little closer than was necessary. “Meet y’all back here at the steps?”
Cecile nodded. “Sure. Do you guys need some paper or anything, to take notes?”
“Naw, I can keep it right here.” Dean tapped the side of his head. “See you in a bit.”
“Y’all be careful,” Bo cautioned as he started up the stairs behind Mr. Innes and Andre.
“We will,” Sam promised.
“Good.” Bo stared at him for a moment, his dark gaze heated, then turned and jogged to the top of the steps.
“So,” Cecile said as she and Sam walked down the hallway. “What do you think so far?”
Sam shook his head. “I hope Mr. Innes is right about this place, but something tells me he’s not.”
“I know what you mean. The kids disappearing like that, and the stories about the things in the tunnels? And what Dean said about it being too clean?” Cecile shuddered. “I don’t like it, Sam. Not a bit.”
“Neither do I.” A light bulb went out with a loud pop overhead, and Sam jumped. “Shit like that isn’t helping.”
“No kidding.” Cecile switched her flashlight on, sweeping the beam into the dense shadows between the puddles of faint, sickly light. “I think we should both keep our senses on high alert, especially down here.”
“Absolutely. Andre too.”
Cecile gave him a long, solemn look. “Sam? Are you scared?”
“Yeah.” Another light bulb blew, and he fought not to flinch. “I am.”
“Me too.”
Cecile’s voice was soft and calm, but Sam heard all the things she wasn’t saying. The memories of Oleander House, and the cold dread of having it happen all over again. He slipped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her against him in a brief, comforting
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