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What Hides Inside: Bay City Paranormal Investigations, Book 2

What Hides Inside: Bay City Paranormal Investigations, Book 2

Titel: What Hides Inside: Bay City Paranormal Investigations, Book 2
Autoren: Ally Blue
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Facing an alternate-reality horror: deadly. Facing their own secrets: much, much worse.
    Bay City Paranormal Investigations, Book 2 In one fateful, first week with Bay City Paranormal Investigations, Sam Raintree learned he’s psychic, possesses the power to open interdimensional portals and accidentally let loose an unimaginable horror. If that wasn’t a busy enough schedule, he also began a relationship with his boss, the firmly closeted Dr. Bo Broussard.
Three months later, Bo’s wedding ring is off, but he isn’t ready to come out. Sam, tired of hiding, can hear their relationship creaking under the burden of secrets. Cracks appear when Bo hires Dean, a new investigator who’s bi, out and openly interested in Sam. During an intense investigation into the mysterious disappearance of three students from South Bay High School, Bo’s stubbornly cold shoulder leaves Sam only one way to go: toward Dean.
As he wonders if he should continue the fight for Bo’s love, the team discovers shades of Oleander House echoing in South High’s halls. Sam pushes his newfound psychic abilities to the limit—until an eruption of nightmarish proportions threatens to take the decision out of his hands. Permanently.
    This book has been previously published.
    Warning: This title contains explicit, male/male angry sex, break-up sex, make-up sex, violent creatures with a taste for human flesh, sex and down-and-dirty language.
    eBooks are not transferable.
They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.
    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or
organizations is entirely coincidental.
    Samhain Publishing, Ltd. 577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520 Macon GA 31201
    What Hides Inside
Copyright © 2010 by Ally Blue ISBN: 978-1-59998-484-1 Edited by Sasha Knight Cover by Valerie Tibbs
    All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
    First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: April 2007
Second electronic publication: November 2010 www.samhainpublishing.com

What Hides Inside
Ally Blue
    To the girls of Just Between Us Ladies, the wonderful critique group who helped knock this book into shape. I love you guys!
Chapter One
    Mobile Press-Register
Wednesday, Nov. 17th, 2004
MOBILE—South Bay High has been ordered
    closed by the chief of police following another student disappearance during school hours.
    Junior Arlene Ray was last seen leaving her first period Civics class on Tuesday November 16th, on her way across the sprawling campus to the auditorium basement for second period Theater. She never arrived. When she neglected to return home on the bus after school, her mother called the police. A search of the campus and the surrounding area failed to turn up any clues to her whereabouts.
    Arlene Ray is the third student to have vanished between classes at South Bay High in the past month. The other teens, Patrick Callahan and Susie Hutchins, remain missing. The police and Alabama State Bureau of Investigation have no leads in any of these cases, although Mobile Chief of Police Gloria Modesky says that they have so far found no clear signs of foul play.
    According to Principal James Innes, the school continues to…
Sam Raintree set the morning paper on the desk, open to the place he’d been reading, and glanced at his boss. “Yeah, Bo?”
“Could you come into my office for a moment, please? I need to discuss something with you.”
Flipping his hair out of his eyes, Sam leaned back in his chair and gave Bo a more thorough look. Dr. Bo Broussard, founder and lead investigator of Bay City Paranormal Investigations, stood in the doorway of his private office. His deep brown gaze darted from Sam to the front door and back again. One hand tugged at the end of his waist-length black braid in a nervous gesture Sam had come to know well in the last three months.
Sam knew exactly what the man wanted, and it had nothing to do with talking.
“Sure,” Sam said, managing to sound casual. “Be right there.”
Bo gave a curt nod, turned and strode back into his office. Adjusting his swelling crotch as
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