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The Twelve Kingdoms: A Thousand Leagues of Wind

The Twelve Kingdoms: A Thousand Leagues of Wind

Titel: The Twelve Kingdoms: A Thousand Leagues of Wind
Autoren: Fuyumi Ono
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difference." She glanced from Suzu (who seemed to be holding her breath) to Shoukei.
    "What about Koshou and Kantai?"
    "Of course. I want to find a place for them as well. I absolutely need people I can trust inside the palace, every last one of you."
    Shoukei heaved a great sigh. "Well, you can't fight fate. I'm willing to give it a try."
    "I'm in. You could ask for the moon, Youko, and you know we couldn't turn you down."
    "For the moon?"
    Suzu giggled and Shoukei unsuccessfully stifled a laugh. Youko couldn't help but join in. Their gentle laughter echoed off the walls of the small room.

    youten, the capital of the Kingdom of Kei. The Empress had finally returned from her "study abroad," to a palace bathed in the warm rays of the sun.
    For the next five days, she secluded herself within her chambers. The former Minister-in-Chief, Seikyou; the former Province Lord of Wa, Gahou; and the former governor of Shisui Prefecture, Shoukou, were arrested. The Empress herself signed the warrants, to the great amazement of the ministers. Some objected, but could hardly voice their objections to the Empress, who would not even venture into the inner court.
    During the Empress's absence, the Privy Council had fallen into disarray. Behind the scenes, some plotted and conspired, fearing that their sins might be revealed, dooming them to Seikyou's fate. But for the time being, such scheming played out in the shadows and behind closed doors.
    The Imperial Court will be thrown into chaos, the ministers whispered amongst themselves. Losing Seikyou meant the balance of power would be thrown to the anti-Seikyou faction, and that was where they all considered shifting their allegiances as well.
    Those five days saw a constant tumult of rumors and shifting expectations. At last the Empress emerged and assembled every minister and bureaucrat of note in the Gaiden, the outer palace.
    The ministers gathered in the Gaiden were startled to see there the unfamiliar face of the previously-dismissed Province Lord of Baku, Koukan, along with his entourage. The Gaiden buzzed with excitement. When the Empress appeared, escorted by the Saiho (Keiki) to the throne, the state of confusion was only heightened. The Empress wore ministerial dress no more elaborate than what the ministers wore. Having shunned her imperial robes, this monarch, whose name had been recorded in the Census of Heaven while she was barely yet a woman, somewhat deflected the inherent scorn directed against empresses.
    Their doubts and confusion notwithstanding, the ministers bowed, touching their foreheads to the floor. At the same time, a voice rang out, "Raise your heads!" They knelt and straightened their backs.
    "To start with, I would like to apologize for my long absence."
    With no introduction from the Chousai, the Empress simply began to speak. The ministers' confusion only grew. Long-established custom held that the Empress did not speak to her subjects and her subjects did not speak to her. Rather, written notes would be passed to the chamberlain, she would read them and then whisper her response in the chamberlain's ear. The chamberlain would then repeat her words to her subordinates. Of course, no kingdom followed this custom to the letter, but in any event, no ruler spoke so directly to her subjects.
    "I did not intend to waste so much of your time. I am sorry for taxing your patience."
    She paused.
    "I will not say much about those individuals arrested several days ago. It is the duty of the Ministry of Fall to bring their sins to light and exact the proper penalties. However, I advise them to keep in mind that I personally signed the arrest warrants."
    Not a few ministers caught their breath. No one doubted that this thinly-veiled threat was a direct challenge to the Ministry of Fall: if they tried to go easy on the defendants, grease a few palms, and look the other way, they'd have to answer for their actions.
    "A while back, I asked the Saiho to mobilize his provincial guard. It didn't happen. The generals of his provincial guard seem to be suffering an unfortunate and chronic ailment. That being the case, because carrying out their duties must be an onerous burden, I am recommending their early retirements."
    Even more started reactions this time.
    "In order to fill the vacant posts, I have made requests of four individuals. First of all, the commanders of the Palace Guard will be transferred to the aforementioned provincial guard."
    Voices were
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