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The Twelve Kingdoms: A Thousand Leagues of Wind

The Twelve Kingdoms: A Thousand Leagues of Wind

Titel: The Twelve Kingdoms: A Thousand Leagues of Wind
Autoren: Fuyumi Ono
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    "Show me your orders!"
    He had to concoct some reason, some excuse, something--but he couldn't find the words to speak. His thoughts raced yet found no purchase. She's just a girl, he'd thought. Another mediocrity like the last empress. But then where did this vibrant sense of power and authority come from, that made him quake in his boots?
    "When did the Palace Guard and its generals resign their commissions and become a gang of self-employed mercenaries?"
    "Your Highness, I--"
    "And when did your Commander-in-Chief become Seikyou! Tell me you intend to attack Takuhou on Seikyou's orders and I'll have you all branded traitors!"
    Jinrai and the surrounding troops could nothing but stand there, rooted to the ground.
    "What are you doing?" The kirin's eyes turned on Jinrai. "What are you doing, still standing in the presence of your liege? I heard no leave given."
    Jinrai's willpower crumbled. He quickly sank to his knees. Following his lead, the troops knelt, touching the ground with their foreheads.
    "Yes!" Jinrai answered, his head brushing the earth.
    "I am now giving you a direct order, an Imperial Rescript. Take command of the Palace Guard and march on Meikaku. There you will arrest Gahou, the Province Lord of Wa, and rescue Enho, the superintendent of Kokei in the Province of Ei. He is currently being held against his will in the provincial castle."
    "You will then dispatch a regiment to Gyouten and take Seikyou into custody. Arrest Gahou and Seikyou, and free Superintendent Enho without further incident, and I'll forget this ever happened, both the actions of the Palace Guard and the Wa Provincial Guard."
    "By my word, it shall be done!"

Part XXI
    uzu watched as the creature and its rider alighted upon the wall alongside the Horse Gate.
    "A kirin."
    "It is," came Shoukei's voice.
    "I wonder if it's right to bring a kirin to a place like this."
    The question of how to deal with the solid wall of humanity surrounding them was written on all their faces. Suzu hadn't the slightest idea herself. She wanted to call out to Youko and run to her, but that didn't feel like the right thing to do.
    As they all hesitated, Youko bid the kirin goodbye and turned around. "Hey, everything's going to be fine."
    Her smile broke the ice. Suzu and Shoukei quickly crossed the short distance between them.
    "Everything's okay? Really?"
    "The Imperial forces, too?"
    "I dispatched them to Meikaku with orders to arrest Gahou."
    "Yes!" Suzu and Shoukei cheered together. But the people standing stock still behind them still gaped in amazement.
    "Koshou! Didn't you hear? Everything's going to be fine!"
    "Kantai! The Imperial Army will take care of Gahou!"
    The two big men blinked in bewilderment. At last, the moment broke. Kantai was the first to sink to his knees.
    "Your Highness."
    In a flurry, everybody else copied him. Koshou remained standing, staring flabbergasted at the kneeling crowd. Sekki called out, "For heaven's sakes, brother, bow!"
    "I, ah, but--"
    Youko couldn't help giggling at the sight of the poor, confused Koshou. "No, you really don't have to. C'mon, everybody. Stand up."
    Of course, nobody dared lift his head. Only the befuddled Koshou remained standing.
    Youko said, "I am sorry that my incompetence should have caused the people of Takuhou so much distress, and wish to apologize to them." She turned to Koshou. "And to Koshou and all his kith and kin, I express my heartfelt thanks. In Shoukou's very shadow, you never gave up the good fight and remained true to the cause. You did what I could not, and for that I am grateful."
    "Well, you know, it was nothing."
    Youko smiled and looked out over the crowds. Heads were popping up here and there. "And to Kantai and his loyal band, I offer my deepest regards. If there is anything you desire, please tell me now."
    Kantai lifted his head with a start. "May I truly ask anything of Your Highness?"
    "Anything at all."
    "Well--" Kantai said, glancing on the two men flanking him, and then at Youko. He again bowed his head. "I wish to dispel any doubts about the dismissal of Marquis Koukan, former Province Lord of Baku. I ask you to please receive the Marquis at Court!"
    "Koukan--" Youko couldn't hide her surprise. "Kantai, are you a citizen of Baku Province?"
    "My name is Sei Shin, former general in the Provincial Guard of Baku. And these are two of my regimental commanders--"
    The two men Kantai indicated bowed deeply as well. One of
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