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The Hob's Bargain

The Hob's Bargain

Titel: The Hob's Bargain
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farmer: a part of the community. He was a soft-spoken man with a gentle manner. The only sign of his past was the scars that encircled his wrists. Scars that might have come from slave manacles. Or not.
    When the elders had sorted themselves out, and the people who could not fit on the bench had been lined up in some sort of order, Merewich took the acorn that lay in the center of the table and therefore spoke first.
    â€œI sent Talon to see what damage the earthquake did to the houses. Talon, how did you find the village?”
    â€œGood, sir,” answered the smith from somewhere behind me. “Only a few of the houses in town took very much damage, and most of those were larger, two-story buildings. The worst I saw will take only a few days’ work to mend.”
    â€œGood,” said Merewich. “I trust the people in the outlying areas know to come to me with the damage they took. After the planting, I’ll organize work crews to repair the worst of it.”
    He set the acorn down and Koret took it up. “Most of us saw the mountain fall. I trust that someone has ridden out to see if the King’s Highway, by some miracle, is still clear?”
    â€œI did,” answered Wandel Silver-Tongue, stepping out of the crowd. He ran his harp-calloused fingers over his face tiredly. “As soon as it fell. You’d have to see it to believe it. Not even one of the king’s sorcerers will have an easy time clearing it.”
    â€œAnyone know if Wedding Pass is clear?” asked Koret after Wandel sat down.
    There was a silence, then Albrin, at the far end of the table, stood. “I’ll check in the morning. If not, there is a secondary pass over The Groom. Even if the highway is clear through Wedding Pass, though, there is nothing to the north except Beresford. The King’s Highway ends there, and the only way from Beresford to Auberg is through here. Wedding Pass isn’t going to help us get goods to market. With Silvertooth blocking the road, Auberg is a twelve-day journey over the next best path. I know of a few trails that are quicker, but they’re nothing you want to take a wagon over.”
    He sat down, and Koret set the acorn back on the table as the elders exchanged grim looks. Twelve days rather than two was fearfully long, especially with raiders in the valley. I didn’t doubt that everyone in the village knew about the raiders by now.
    I stood up, waiting to be recognized. Cantier took up the acorn and nodded at me sourly. “Might as well hear all the bad news at once. Tell us what you can about the brigands, Aren.”
    I bowed my head and took a deep breath. I’d had all the time I needed to think while I worked in Melly’s kitchen.
    â€œToday my parents, my sister, her unborn child, and my husband were killed.” It sounded stark, and my throat froze with the truth that I spoke. I had to swallow hard to continue. “Without them I have no close blood relatives still living.”
    I had to stop. If I cried now, it would ruin my credibility because they’d attribute anything I said to grief or hysteria. Several of the elders relaxed, probably thinking I was going to petition for help. Unlike falling mountains, helping their own was well within their experience.
    â€œMy grandmother, Father’s mother, died last spring. She spent her life working as a healer, doing it better than most.” I looked at them. “I know you’ve heard stories about her—that she relied on more than her knowledge of herbs and splints to heal you. It was true. My grandmother was as fey as my brother—who died rather than become what the lord’s bloodmage had decreed.”
    Albrin blanched, and several other elders stiffened to alert—this was not usual talk for so public a place. Koret rubbed his beard thoughtfully, and old Merewich just nodded. It was hard to shock Merewich.
    â€œSo am I,” I said starkly.
    Before I could say more, Cantier set the acorn back on the table with a snap. Koret, foreign-raised, snatched it up before the fisherman had quite let go.
    â€œI expect you did not ask to meet with us here to be burned at the stake or pressed. Go on, child.”
    Tension and terror had held me for so long that I had gotten used to it. Licking dry lips, I said, “Gram said many of us no longer remember much about how and why this land was settled, and no one wants to know anything about
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