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Star Wars - Darth Plagueis

Star Wars - Darth Plagueis

Titel: Star Wars - Darth Plagueis
Autoren: James Luceno
Vom Netzwerk:
it to proceed?”
    Plagueis looked at Tenebrous, who nodded.
    “Task the probe to proceed,” Plagueis said. When the hammering recommenced, he fixed his gaze on the display screen to monitor the probe’s progress. “Tell the probe to stop,” he said after only a moment had elapsed.
    “Why are you interfering?” Tenebrous said, storming forward.
    Plagueis gestured to the display. “The map indicates a more massive concentration of lethane in the area where it’s drilling.”
    “You’re correct, sir,” the droid said in what amounted to dismay. “I will order the unit to halt all activity.”
    And yet the hammering continued.
    “Droid,” Plagueis snapped, “did the probe acknowledge your order?”
    “No, sir. The Em-Two is not responding.”
    Tenebrous stiffened, narrowly avoiding slamming his head into one of the cave’s massive crystals. “Is it still within range?”
    “Yes, sir.”
    “Then run a communications diagnostic.”
    “I have, sir, and all systems are nominal. The unit’s inability to respond—” It fell briefly silent and began again. “The unit’s refusal to respond appears to be deliberate.”
    “Deactivate it,” Tenebrous said. “At once.”
    The hammering slowed and eventually ceased, but not for long.
    “The Em-Two unit has overridden my command.”
    “Impossible,” Tenebrous said.
    “Clearly not, sir. In fact, it is highly probable that the unit is executing a deep-seated subroutine that escaped earlier notice.”
    Plagueis glanced at Tenebrous. “Who procured the probe?”
    “This isn’t the time for questions. The probe is about to breach the pocket.”
    Hastening to the rim of the circular shaft, the two Sith removed their gloves and aimed their long-fingered unprotected hands into the inky darkness. Instantly tangles of blue electrical energy discharged from their fingertips, raining into the borehole. Strobing and clawing for the bottom, the vigorous bolts coruscated into the lateral corridor the probe had excavated. Crackling sounds spewed from the opening long after the Sith had harnessed their powers.
    Then the repetitive strikes of the jackhammer began once more.
    “It’s the ore,” Tenebrous said. “There’s too much resistance here.”
    Plagueis knew what needed to be done. “I’ll go down,” he said, and was on the verge of leaping into the shaft when Tenebrous restrained him.
    “This can wait. We’re returning to the grotto.”
    Plagueis hesitated, then nodded. “As you say, Master.”
    Tenebrous swung to the droid. “Continue your attempts to deactivate the unit.”
    “I will, sir. To do that, however, I will need to remain here.”
    “What of it?” Tenebrous said, cocking his head to one side.
    “Should I fail in my efforts, the ensuing explosion will surely result in my destruction.”
    Plagueis understood. “You’ve been useful, droid.”
    “Thank you, sir.”
    Tenebrous scowled. “You waste your breath.”
    Nearly knocked over by the swiftness of Tenebrous’s departure, Plagueis had to call deeply on the Force merely to keep up. Retracing the inclined path they had taken from the grotto in which their starship waited, they fairly flew up the crystal-studded tunnel they had picked their way through earlier. Plagueis grasped that a powerful explosion was perhaps imminent, but was mystified by his Master’s almost mad dash for the surface. In the past Tenebrous had rarely evinced signs of discomfort, let alone fear; so what danger had he sensed that propelled him with such abandon? And when, in the past, had they fled danger of any sort? Safeguarded by the powers of the dark side, the Sith couldhardly fear death when they were allied to it. Plagueis stretched out with his feelings in an attempt to identify the source of Tenebrous’s dread, but the Force was silent.
    Ten meters ahead of him, the Bith had ducked under a scabrous outcropping. Haste, however, brought him upright too quickly and his left shoulder glanced off the rough rock, leaving a portion of his suit shredded.
    “Master, allow me to lead,” Plagueis said when he reached Tenebrous. He was only slightly more agile than the Bith, but he had better night vision and a keener sense of direction, over and above what the Force imparted.
    His pride wounded more than his shoulder, Tenebrous waved off the offer. “Be mindful of your place.” Regaining his balance and composure, he streaked off. But at a fork in the tunnel, he took the wrong turn.
    “This way,
Vom Netzwerk:

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