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Self Comes to Mind

Self Comes to Mind

Titel: Self Comes to Mind
Autoren: Antonio Damasio
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of, 133
requirements for development of rebellious self, 289–90
role of, in mental processes, 131, 136
role of convergence-divergence zones in, 141–42, 145–48, 146–47 , 331 n 7
role of emotional salience in, 131
sensorimotor patterns in recording of, 132–33
significance of, for human life, 296–97
storage and retrieval system, 135–39, 140–41, 143–44
time-locked retroactivation in, 141–42, 153
types of, 139–40
volume of, 211
see also learning
    meninges, 302
    meningiomas, 302
    Merker, Bjorn, 83, 325 n 6
    Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 327–28 n 3
    Metzinger, T., 335 n 8, 338 n 7
    Meyer, Kaspar, 148, 320 n 2, 331 n 8, 335 n 8
    Miller, J., 336 n 5
in absence of cerebral cortex, 80–83
brain regions involved in making of, 73–77, 86
conceptualization of, in antiquity, 93–94
consciousness and, 5, 7, 10, 32, 157
evidence of nonconscious operation of, 161–62
evolutionary significance, 57–58, 286
goals of investigations into, 6
homunculus model of, 200–201
in life regulation and adaptation, 57–58
mysterious qualities of, 5, 14, 29
perception of, in self and others, 5
physical measurement of events of, 314–15, 322 n 14
qualities of brain structures involved in, 86–88
reliability of self’s observations about, 12–13, 184
significance of emotions in examination of, 108
study of, as nonphysical phenomenon, 14–15
wakefulness and, 160, 162–65
see brain–mind equivalence; consciousness; nonconscious and unconscious processes
    mind-altering substances, 121, 170
    Mintun, M. A., 336 n 10
    mirror neurons, 102–4
convergence-divergence model of, 150–51
    misattribution errors, 197–98
    monoaminergic nuclei, 192–93
    Montague, Read, 324 n 8
    moral judgments, 228, 228 , 271, 282–84, 292
    Morris, R., 335 n 2
    Morrison, John H., 338 n 6
    Moruzzi, Giuseppe, 7, 320 n 3
emotion and, 109, 111
genomic unconscious in, 278
mechanisms for homeostasis in origins of, 55
    motor system
brain structure, 312
in making of memory records, 132–33
see also movement
brain structures involved in, 74
in creation of brain maps, 63–64
electrochemical signaling in, 37
evocation of mental images by, 104–6
evolution of, 50–51
integration of neural signals for, 84–85
muscle and bone structure for, 50–51, 94–95
mechanism for monitoring of, 97
for movement, 50–51, 95
structure and function, 94–95
    music, 81, 254, 294–96
    myelin sheathing, 309
    Mystery of Consciousness, The (Searle), 10
    myths, 291–92, 293, 294
    Naccache, Lionel, 189, 334 n 6
    Nagel, Thomas, 338–39 n 7
    narrative construction
in creation of core self, 204, 207
in creation of protoself, 207
for cultural transmission, 293
selection and ordering of images for, 173–74
of self as protagonist, 203, 204
    nematodes, 56–57
    neocortex, 309–10
    nervous system
architecture of, 306–10, 307, 308
autonomic, 307
evolution of, 34
peripheral, 306–7
see also neurons and neuronal activity
    neural basis of consciousness
in brain stem, 243–47
brain structures involved in, 243
concept of self in research on, 11, 12
conceptual framework, 17–20
current knowledge and understanding of, 242, 262–63, 300–301
demystification of life and, 29
foundational research into, 7
implications of, for legal and justice systems, 283–84
implications of research into, 28–30
large-scale systems level analysis of, 18–19
limitations of explanatory power of, 285–86
mental events as brain events, 16
need for integrated perspective in investigation of, 15
perspectives for investigating, 15
present and future of research into, 14–15
rationale for evolutionary approach to, 15–16
in thalamus, 247–48
work of neurons in, 251–53
    neural pattern
definition, 64–65
in image creation, 72
see also images; maps
    neural probes, 91
    neuromodulators, 87
    neurons and neuronal activity
in as-if body loop hypothesis, 102–3
body connection in, 38–39
cellular anatomy of, 302
in cerebral cortex, 65–66, 304, 305
in creation of mind, 300–301
in creation of mind with feeling, 20, 39–40
current knowledge and understanding of, 300
in dispositional space, 151–53
in electrochemical signaling, 37–38, 86–88
evolution of, 39, 285
excitability, 258
in generation of feelings, 257
in generation of protofeelings, 257–58
ion polarization in, 37–38
lack of cell division or reproduction in, 40
in large-scale systems analysis of neurobiology of consciousness, 18–19
in learning process, 303
in map making, 66
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