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Private Dick Casefile 01 - Lily White Rose Red

Private Dick Casefile 01 - Lily White Rose Red

Titel: Private Dick Casefile 01 - Lily White Rose Red
Autoren: Catt Ford
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her lips on mine. She had an incredibly seductive allure, but with Mr. X
    standing right there, ready to stake his claim, it wasn’t something I wanted to wonder about long. Aside from the whole equipment dilemma. But as long as he wasn’t wondering about me.
    “Where are you going?” I asked stupidly.
    “It’s a beautiful night for a drive in the desert,” Mr. Hamilton said.
    “How are you going to keep the press and police from getting onto this?”
    Mr. Hamilton gave me a smile, and it wasn’t a nice one. “Come on, Lily, let’s get going.”
    She touched her finger to her lips and planted it on mine. “I’ll call you tomorrow, Grey darling.”



    “You’re a great moll,” I said. “Proud to have you on the job.” She smiled. “Don’t you forget it, Mr. Dick.” I trailed along behind them in the hallway to the service entrance and watched as they walked out together, hand in hand, into the desert night. I bet Max Hamilton might never have seen the service area behind the hotel before, aside from when it was being built, but it was the right way to take out the garbage.
    I caught some movement over by the trash barrels and realized that Barry Jazz Morgan was standing there watching, his skin blending in with the darkness. After George had shut the car door for Lily and Max Hamilton, he looked over at Jazz and gave a little nod. It made it complete somehow, that Jazz was there too, to witness Big Billy on his way to meet justice.
    George got into the driver’s seat, and I watched the car pull away.
    I looked back at Jazz, and his hand came up. He gave me a crisp army salute before he turned and walked out of the empty courtyard.
    That was it.
    My job was done. I’d caught the man, and now I felt tired. Even worse, I felt I’d crossed the line somehow. I didn’t just figure out who did it; I set up a showdown knowing that it was going to lead to his death. It’s one thing to bring your man in and allow twelve good men and true decide his fate, quite another to bait a trap, knowing the tiger is waiting right there for the mouse and is armed with a gun. Even though this mouse was more devil than rodent.
    In the excitement of setting up the sting, I hadn’t quite looked at the implications of what I was doing, and that bothered me. I might not have put a gun to Big Billy’s head myself, but I knew he’d never be seen alive again in Vegas.
    Yeah, he deserved it, and yeah, Lily had taken a vote from all of us, an impromptu jury, but still….
    I walked around to the front of the casino, skirting the club where all the merriment was still taking place, and realized that my ride had gone as well.
    There wasn’t a taxi in sight, so I was going to have to hoof it.

    Lily White, Rose Red: Grey Randall, Private Dick Casefile #1

    That would give me plenty of time to chew things over with my conscience. I pulled my bow tie loose and opened my collar before setting out for my office. It was closer than my apartment, and this wouldn’t be the first time I crashed there.
    I looked up at the stars, shining clear and bright in the desert sky, able to compete even with the neon lights. A star arced across the sky and flamed out. I made a wish on it, even though I knew it wasn’t going to come true.
    At least Big Billy had a nice night for dying.



    Chapter 9: Never Say Never

    WHEN these dark moods hit, I don’t turn on the lights. I liked the way the neon lit up the office at night. I sat down and pulled out the bottle, taking a long swallow. I was surprised that Artie had left me anything to drink. I pulled on my tie some more and unbuttoned my collar, hoisting my feet up onto the desk and leaning back in the chair.
    I’d seen enough killing and death in the war. When they left the hotel, I felt as if Lily had put me on the outside by not letting me come along, but I didn’t need to see another man die. I closed my eyes, wondering if I should bother going home or just sleep there.
    The smell of cologne told me if I was going to sack out, I should have locked the door first.
    “Hey, Grey,” a familiar voice said in the dark.
    I cracked one eye open. Reggie looked pink in the red glow of the neon; Jazz was darker, more of a purple.
    “You two look like you found the rainbow,” I said sourly.
    Jazz in particular was smiling. I’d never seen him smile before.
    He was very handsome when he did. And Reggie was pretty chipper too. Guess he was feeling
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