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Private Dick Casefile 01 - Lily White Rose Red

Private Dick Casefile 01 - Lily White Rose Red

Titel: Private Dick Casefile 01 - Lily White Rose Red
Autoren: Catt Ford
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    “Got your cuffs?” Jazz asked Reggie.
    Reggie pulled them out and cuffed my hands in front of me. Jazz pushed me out the door.
    “Where are your keys?”
    “My keys? Why?”
    “So I can lock up your office,” Reggie explained patiently. “It cuts down on crime like breaking and entering if you lock the door when you leave.”
    “What does it matter if I’m not coming back?” I asked.
    He lost patience and searched me thoroughly, including spots where I would not have considered stashing my keys, but eventually he found them and locked the door, pocketing the keys himself.
    Jazz’s hands on my shoulders kept me from stumbling on the stairs, and when we emerged from the building, Reggie stepped up to a very swanky car. One that couldn’t have been his. Jazz let go of me to unlock the door, and I took off, running clumsily up the street. He was faster than I’d thought he’d be and had me up and over his shoulder again before I’d gotten more than half a block.
    “Try that again and you can ride in the trunk,” he growled.
    “Fine by me,” I retorted. Maybe I could kick out a taillight and flag someone for help. Where’s a cop when you need one? Oh right, unlocking the car door while sniggering at my predicament.
    Jazz got in the back while Reggie kept a hold on me and shoved me in after. Jazz wrapped his arms around me and put one of his legs over mine. I struggled continuously while Reggie drove, and Jazz responded by giving me a grope. I let out a ridiculous squeak of alarm, 196


    and Reggie laughed some more.
    “Hold still and he’ll quit,” he suggested.
    I held still. Very still. Jazz had pulled me closer, and I tried not to wiggle, because he seemed to enjoy it.
    I hadn’t even noticed which way we were going until we pulled up in the alley behind the Lambda club in the train yard. We had another brief skirmish while getting out of the car when I thought I saw another opening for escape, which led to me being delivered to Mr. Big butt first, slung over Jazz’s shoulder again.
    Where was Artie when I needed help? I thought he was supposed to have a nose for trouble, although I suspected that being Artie, he either already knew about this and didn’t think I needed help or was too busy laughing his ass off somewhere to lend a hand.
    Phil Martin laughed at the presentation. “Don’t tell me he refused my gracious invitation.”
    I couldn’t see Mr. Big, being upside down with a view of Jazz’s broad back again.
    “He wasn’t very receptive, but we tried not to mark him up,” Jazz said.
    “Put him down.”
    Another head rush for me. Jazz hung onto me until my vision cleared, and I had to swallow his embrace till I recovered.
    “What the fuck?” I snarled.
    “He’s not too friendly, is he?” Phil Martin asked with a satisfied grin.
    I tried to harden my heart against him, but he was just so impossibly sexy standing there by his desk, his skin glowing like burnished gold in the pool of light from the lamp.
    “Let me go,” I demanded, as surly as I could manage. It didn’t seem to intimidate them, especially as I was still trussed in handcuffs and my belt.
    “I think I said we have a little unfinished business last time we Lily White, Rose Red: Grey Randall, Private Dick Casefile #1

    spoke,” Phil said suavely. Damn, he was gorgeous. My knees wobbled.
    I was beginning to think he might have something on me in the business of interrogation.
    “I have nothing to say to you,” I said.
    “Did you search him?” Phil asked.
    “No.” Jazz grinned. “We thought maybe you’d like to do that yourself.”
    Reggie and Jazz held me still when Mr. Big approached. He slipped his hands into all my pockets, finding the Lambda disc. He held it between his slender strong fingers and put it on his desk. He also got my wallet, my gun, and my goat with his groping.
    I thought I understood. I was about to pay dearly for the firm grip I had on his balls that one time. Like any alpha male, he was going to get his revenge. I just hoped that Reggie and Jazz weren’t going to stick around to watch.
    As if he’d read my mind, Phil nodded toward the door. “I’ll take it from here. Thanks, boys. Time for me to have a little chat with Mr.
    Dick here.”
    Reggie winked at me and followed what I assumed was now his official boyfriend out of the room.
    Phil walked toward me, and I held my ground as long as I could, but finally I broke and took a step backward. He
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