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Override (Glitch)

Override (Glitch)

Titel: Override (Glitch)
Autoren: Heather Anastasiu
Vom Netzwerk:
on. “Head to the west end of the complex and take the stairs.” I’d memorized the lab schematics and drilled the best escape routes. The lab had three exits—two elevators and one set of stairs. The stairs were closest and the best option for getting out unnoticed. “As long as no one sees us, we’ll be fine.”
    Adrien nodded. The diagnostic clicked in my ear, and I looked down at the readout panel on my forearm. All systems clear. At least that was one piece of good news. I also felt steadier on my feet. The adrenaline pumping through my body was briefly giving me strength. I took a deep breath and pushed my gloved finger against the button that released the sliding door to the adjacent room in the laboratory.
    Voices sounded from another room nearby, but the lab was empty. The room was all clean lines and antiseptic lab tables covered with equipment. The smooth, burnished metal floors glinted. I paused to listen, but, within the echoing space, it was impossible to tell how close the voices were.
    I ducked low and crept behind one of the laboratory tables, careful not to knock into any of the test tubes in my bulky suit. Adrien shut the door to the hidden room behind us. It looked like every other chrome-lined panel that formed the wall. But before Adrien could slide a table in front of it to complete the illusion, the click of boot heels and voices from the hall echoed louder. Adrien dropped down beside me.
    My heart thumped wildly, and I instinctively put my hand to my heart monitor. I was glad the Rez had disabled it months ago; otherwise it would have been beeping loudly to signal my rapid heartbeat.
    The room only had one exit. In my emergency evacuation plans, I’d always taken for granted the flashing alarm in the alcove would go off in time to make it clear of this room. Before I could even try to think what to do next, the voices were in the room with us.
    Adrien huddled with me behind the black-topped table, eyes flicking around and mouth pursed tightly. I didn’t know what he was looking for. To get to the stairs, we first had to get out of this room and past the doorway, right where it sounded like the Inspector was standing. Panic bubbled up inside me.
    “What is it you say you study here, again?” The Inspector’s clipped tones echoed off the chrome walls of the spotless lab. There was a moment’s silence before Milton’s voice piped up.
    “We study viral pathogens, such as Flu 216 and its various permutations. Also,” Milton continued, his voice shaky and high-pitched, “we’re doing some innovative research into the application of nanotechnology to viral pathogens. The Cabinet of Medical Technology is very interested in our progress.”
    “I see,” said the Inspector, his boots thudding as he stepped further into the room and closer to the table we hid behind. “And have you noticed anything … anomalous?”
    “N-no, sir,” Milton said. I squeezed my eyes shut. Milton was a painfully bad liar. He was younger than most others at the lab, but he was a genius, the top viral tech. Like most researchers, he didn’t have the emotion-numbing V-chip installed. Which was a problem right now.
    Usually Veri, our other Rez insider, was the one who handled communicating with officials on behalf of the lab. She was far more skilled in the art of subversion and misdirection. But she must not be here yet, and Milton stumbled over every other word.
    Footsteps came closer. Sweat beaded on my forehead and dripped down my face beneath the mask. I looked frantically at Adrien.
    “What’s this?” The Inspector paused near the false wall to my hidden room and tapped the paneling. Had Adrien not shut the door completely? I cringed at the hollow ping of the Inspector’s knuckles on the chrome and my heartbeat sped up even more. He was close enough that I could see the tip of his shiny black boot.
    I wanted to crawl around the other side of the table, but Adrien sensed my panic and shook his head. His eyes darted in every direction. We both knew the crinkling noise my suit would make. There was no way we could sneak out of the room unnoticed.
    A hiss sounded. The Inspector had found the small catch that opened the hidden door. In our haste, Adrien must have forgotten to replace the cover. He leaned in and whispered frantically in my ear. “Knock him out with your telek, like you did with the Chancellor that time.”
    “Anomalous contraband.” The Inspector’s voice came from
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