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Titel: Othello
Autoren: Reclam
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    William Shakespeare
    Herausgegeben von Dieter Hamblock
    Alle Rechte vorbehalten
© 2013 Philipp Reclam jun. GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart
Made in Germany 2013
Gesamtherstellung: Reclam, Ditzingen. Printed in Germany 2013
RECLAM , UNIVERSAL-BIBLIOTHEK und RECLAMS UNIV ERSAL-BIBLIOTHEK sind eingetragene Marken der Philipp Reclam jun. GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart
ISBN 978-3-15-960421-3
ISBN der Buchausgabe 978-3-15-960422-0

Othello, the Moor of Venice

    Scene 1
    Before the Castle.
    Enter Cassio, with Musicians and the Clown.
    CASSIO. Masters, play here, I will content your pains,
    Â Â Â Â Something that’s brief, and bid “Good morrow, general.”
    (They play.)
    CLOWN. Why, masters, ha’ your instruments been at Naples , that they speak i’ the nose thus?
    FIRST MUSICIAN. How, sir, how? [5]
    CLOWN. Are these, I pray, call’d wind-instrument s ?
    FIRST MUSICIA N. Ay marry are they, sir.
    CLOWN. O, thereby hangs a tail.
    FIRST MUSICIAN. Whereby hangs a tale, sir?
    C LOWN. Marry, sir, by many a wind-instrument that I [10] know. But, masters, here’s money for you, and the general so likes your music, that he desires you, of all loves, to make no more noise with it.
    FIRST MUSICIAN. Well sir, we will not.
    CLOWN. If you have any music that may not be heard, [15] to ’t again, but, as they say, to hear music, the general does not greatly care.
    FIRST MUSICIAN. We ha’ none such, sir.
    CLOWN. Then put your pipes in your bag, for I’ll away; go, vanish away! [20]
    (Exeunt Musicians.)
    C ASSIO. Dost thou hear my honest friend?
    CLOWN. No, I
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